oh dear me

I don’t think I’m alone when I say that I’m a little weary at the moment. Perhaps my reason is a little different – I’m not tired because of festivities or [...]

colour play

Colour and light and all things bright. We are finally crawling out from under the clouds – feeling better and ready to play. And today I watched my little one ‘play’ for the [...]


I’ve been away. Not from home, but from this blog. A little break, a little breather. It was time to find some rhythm and now we’re sailing rather smoothly. I actually started by [...]


Saturday night. Cooking dinner for friends. Wearing my Nana’s apron for the first time. I found it in my Mum’s wardrobe and brought it home with me. She was the best cook, my Nana. [...]


…his cheeks. I kiss them at least 100 times a day. Scrumptious. Little hands trying to find the petals amongst the grass. The concentration required is immense. (note:: baby yogi in [...]


In some moments of some days, and sometimes for an entire day I can feel weary. Tired. The kind of tiredness that needs chocolate and coffee. Today is one of those days and unfortunately the [...]

more sweet memories

Just over one year ago I looked like this; …and what a miracle it is that a big belly = a new baby, so precious; we danced by the water… …and when he was three-months-old he [...]


One afternoon, in the fog of early motherhood, shortly after my babymoon, we went down to the water. And Daniel caught this moment. A moment, that to me, best describes what it is like to be a [...]