down in the woods

I was making dinner the other night when Che asked if he could go for a walk. Daniel promptly grabbed his camera and they went exploring down a well-known trail in the woods near our house. [...]

only now…

Have I realised that our leap of faith has led to dreams realised. Because today Daniel worked on a film set, I wrote stories from home while Poet slept beside me and Che played and learned at [...]

happiest day…

Daniel Grey! My love turned 30 today (actually, he turned 33 but he likes to say 30 so we’ll just go along with that). He woke to handmade cards and camera gear wrapped in a “che [...]

behind the scenes

Meet Tim – the man behind the lens. This is how he works; effortlessly juggling cameras while kids play at his feet. He’s unperturbed by the fact that he’s being filmed because [...]


I feel like I’m only just now coming out of the babymoon cave, just like all those blooms that have blossomed ’round here. It’s nice to venture out and see the colour, spot the [...]

film: a few moments

Daniel has discovered his passion and his art. Twenty minutes of filming, a couple of hours editing and here we have a beautiful peek into the lives of friends…a memento, a keepsake, a [...]

“c’mon” he says

While I rested, they walked. “Exploring,” they call it. Che in his very new Mama-knitted vest. Daniel with his new fancy lens and Glidecam. Beautiful autumn bokeh.