you’re home now

In the newborn haze where you’re sleep deprived, blissfully happy and unable to comprehend the simplest of questions, days melt into one another and before you know it another week has come around. The sweet spring sun has started to beckon and we’ve left our abode a few times, only to return a short while later, happy to have been out in the world but so pleased to be home again.

Of course when we do go out, the little bundle curled up in the sling attracts a lot of attention. It’s been slightly heartbreaking to watch Che as he meanders in the background and regardless of how much Daniel and I bring him into the conversation, for most people there’s nothing quite like the allure of a newborn. He’s been having nightmares too and so most nights he ends up in our bed. Four in the bed and the little one said…
I’ve been making sure I give him as many cuddles as I can, telling him how much I love him several times a day and encouraging him to interact with Poet. What has been so incredibly awe-inspiring as a parent is watching him take her in. He ponders the size of her hands, kisses her forehead and come really close when I’m feeding her.
But, there has been one thing that he has said, since she was born, that leaves me silent and a little teary.
Every day he comes really close to her and says:
“You’re home now Baby.”
Like she’s been waiting to come.
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Showing 52 comments
  • Felicity

    I have no doubt that your heart would catch a beat every time that Che says those lovely words as mine did on reading them too.

    Your nest looks so warm and loving – blessings to you all.

    xxxx Felicity

  • Mary

    wow, that's so moving. you have such a lovely way of writing jodi.

  • Leanne

    How special. Such a big change in everyone's lives, you must be so pleased that Che has welcomed Poet so beautifully.

  • Zara

    What beautiful photos and beautiful words from Che.
    baby Poet looks like she's in a little cacoon, sleeping so soundly. x

  • Lizeylou

    That made me a bit teary … Che is one lovely little man!

  • raisedbywolffs

    Watching sibling love bloom is so incredibly beautiful.


  • Tai Tai

    OMG I got teary reading that! What a beautiful little man. And how precious is your new little one?! Enjoy this amazing time. So special xx

  • Kate

    Just so gorgeous Jodi. x

  • Jgee

    Oh my golly gosh, that just made me teary and they're not even my children. Sweet Che and lucky little Poet x

  • kitty

    So sweet. Che is such a dear little fellow.
    Enjoy your beautiful family.

  • fast times in münchen.

    Wow look at all that gorgeous hair. Beautiful. Che sounds like the most loving, caring and sensitive boy. Poet is lucky to have a big brother with such amazing traits. xx
    Ps Loving Nell's sweet booties!

  • Rhiannon

    It sounds like big brother love is as big as the love that grows in our hearts when a new child arrives. She is beautiful, you look wonderful, and I'm glad to hear Che is loving her just as much

  • kristi

    melt. x.

  • The Beetle Shack

    Sounds like che che needs some pressies from down the road. I'll wrap him up some treats for big brothers.

    xo em

  • capturingmoments


  • thejadeleaf

    Oh. That gave me a little shiver x

  • cheryl @ nefotlak.

    hiya jodi!
    only found you recently – just before the birth of your gorgeous baby girl actually.
    just had to say – i now have big tears in my eyes.
    that comment..oh my. gorgeous.
    all the best for your lovely fam.
    cheryl xox.

  • La Franglaise

    What a sweet big brother he is! Those are lovely photos Jodi. I especially love the one of your breastfeeding. You look so peaceful. Enjoy these wonderful moments. xx
    ps: do I recognise a pair of knitted booties by Nell?

  • Shelley

    Beautiful photos and a touching post. Enjoy your beautiful little family xx

  • lou

    Oh Jodi you look the picture of gorgeous mama….little Che will be fine. I worried about CHarlie when Rufus arrived, and how to include him and hope he didn't mind that most of my time was taken but a baby on the breast or in arms. I just played with him as much as I could and he helped me with nappy changing and bathing. Big hugs to your lovely family, always a source of happy tears from an emotional mumma here in the UK. Lou xxx p.s, I haven't forgotten you won my giveaway.. I just wanted to send them when you were out of the first month of babymooning! xx

  • Nell

    The most beautiful pictures. I can't wait for the first weeks with our little one.

    Divine Poet, with all her hair, is the sweetest thing. All swaddled and cosy. How are you finding the sling? Is it Sakura Bloom? We've been eying one of those up too.

    And you're so very welcome for the little bundle of knitted goodies. So happy they're keeping those teeny toes nice and warm. xx

  • mimi

    this post is so beautiful, it's moved me to tears 🙂

  • jody

    brings tears to my eyes, what a sweet knowing lad. xx

  • Mama of 2 boys

    You do motherhood in style Jodi. It's so uplifting to read your posts and see your pictures. It's all beautiful. It is heartbreaking for the older child sometimes, it really is a tough transition. But it sounds like you've managed it exceptionally well and little Che has accepted his lovely little sister graciously xo

  • kacey

    this just gave me chills. so, so sweet.

  • ali

    So, so beautiful. What an incredible post. I can't wait to have a family of my own one're so inspiring.

  • Scarlett

    Beautiful post and beautiful photos. I still remember the newborn haze all too well :o) Scarlett x

  • Tori

    I just melted. What an amazingly insightful little boy he is. Your family looks complete with Poet in the picture. I'm sure it feels so right to you, as well. <3

  • Rachael

    Aww that was gorgeously chilling x

  • jenny

    so incredibly beautiful. you, your words, and your little family.

  • Emma

    What a sweet natured lilttle chap you have. Emma

  • Krystal

    congratulations you guys, she is so so beautiful 🙂 I love her name!

  • Reply

    how beautiful XO

  • Sammie

    Breathtaking devine!
    I now know just the shots I want once our little one comes along and am going to bookmark this post!

  • [Good Mum Hunting]


    Love this post.


  • Dana

    I love this post! You capture the essence of the magical moment so well! you made me teary as well…

  • katiecrackernuts

    Lordy, would have made me teary too. Amazing to have such a strong sense of a loving home.

  • ashley

    beautiful jodi. and the way you have captured all of the pictures of beautiful poet. amazing. keep enjoying every second of your fog, and your beautiful little boy, i love that he is already showing such profound sibling compassion, says something about who he is!
    x ashley

  • Megan.K.

    I felt teary just reading those words of Che's. Beautiful.

  • My Beautiful World

    I have only just found you here I'm only new to blogland. What beautiful photos and children they grow so fast I will enjoy watching along the way. If you ever get a spare minute LOL feel free to come and say hello and join me love finding new friend.

    Always Wendy


    this is so cute!!! so welcome home Baby and big brother! 🙂

  • Cath @ chunkychooky

    how beautiful! the photos and his big brothers welcome. it reminds me of when my friends baby was born and her 2 year old come to visit his little brother – he climbed up on to a chair leaned over the crib and sang happy birthday. SWEET!

  • erica

    I've just come across your blog via Marvelous Kiddo, and I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying these images and words that you're putting out there. So beautiful and calm.
    Your poet is a lucky lady to be born into this family.

  • Michelle

    Bless x

  • Gaby

    She looks so perfect in that little sling. Between your blog and prenatal yoga teacher training i'm cluckier than ever 🙂

  • Lottie Loves

    hey jodi
    thanks for your message… of course it's ok about the blog posts 🙂 welcome to little poet, she looks just goreous and i love your pictures… louis is 9 weeks now and we are starting to settle in, it's all so new / amazing / exhausting in the beginning hey? it must be a bit different the second time around though…

  • Maxabella

    It's hard when the new bubba comes along, but he will get there in the end.

    I am loving reliving the bubbadays with you, Jodi. Thank you for your soft, peaceful reflections. x

  • MollyFera

    You and your perfect little family are amazing. Thank you for bringing a little more happiness to my day.

    PS. loving the grey sweater wrap that you are wearing. it's stuck in my head. when you have the chance please tell where I can find one. by the looks of all of your photos it seems like a must-have 🙂

  • dear olive

    Oh Che you sweet souled boy with a big heart! Kellie xx

  • forward [e]motion

    aw that's just the sweetest thing.
    i'm the youngest of my family and i remember i used to nag my ma for a little brother or sister – someone for me to be a big sister to because i had loved how lovely my own older sister was to me. sibling love is so sweet.

    bel. x

  • A.E.

    I love reading your blog, you represent motherhood in such a beautiful and poetic way.

  • homemaderainbows

    Oh Jodi! Bless!
    A wee girl…and home now.
    I've just been catching up over here…and what joy I find in your new baby bliss.
    Enjoy your nesting and welcoming…all four of you!
    xx Leanne

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