you are the light i see tonight

Perhaps there is no other time quite like Christmas to observe the season. And it’s opposite, on the other side of the world. I keep flicking through blogs and getting all caught up in the magic of the ice, the snow, the coziness of decorated homes and the warmth and love imbuing every single post. And while those of you in the northern hemisphere are reveling in the few hours of daylight, our light is shining bright until eight in the evening. And then as the sun sets, the temperature cools and we settle in for the night, watching the beetles and the bugs swarm around the lights.

Our sun light is so bright, our skies are clear, our nights are balmy. Our family is close, our children excited. Christmas is near…

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  • Michelle

    I don’t know whether I could “do” a Christmas other than an Australian one. We are so lucky to have such a unique celebration.

  • Jogirl

    Hi there,

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    Stop on by!

  • Leanne

    Oh yes Australian December…. sticky nights, cicada’s and sunshine….lots and lots of sunshine….though my little one gets confused some days asking when the snow will get here.

  • flossy-p

    You’ve captured that light so beautifully, and made me all sentimental for the Aussie Christmas too 😀

    Gorgeous photo’s!

  • cat

    my sister in law and her children are all in australia. seeing your photos just helps me imagine more vividly what their world is like at this time of year. they are in bellingen, having just moved a few months ago from perth. anyway, i just wanted to say thank you again jodi for a wonderful display of beauty on your blog. i looked at your photostream as well and your family is just magical. thank you for warming all our worlds with your song…:)

    happy holidays..:)

  • fliss

    These summery nights are so beautiful and ‘Yes’ you have captured the light and softness of the evening here whilst Che cuddles one of Ella’s stunning dolls.Thanks for your comments through the year 🙂

  • cindy

    I so love your photos of your handsome boy. I think it is begining to feel like a special christmas, even with out the snow.

  • Julie

    Beautiful photos you have taken. Capturing the moments so well.

  • Poppy and Mei

    MMMMMMMMMMMMM, lovely…XXxx

  • ella

    so different and yet cozy all in it’s own way. i think casual for Christmas is good.
    i am loving all of these sunny shots of Che with Korina. such sweetness.

  • Anne

    Beautiful photos

  • Sabrina

    What a beautiful little guy and such magical pictures you captured. with the snowing growing outside my windows, i only imagine how amazing those balmy nights are.

  • Tammy

    I have quite a few friends with blogs in Australia and Africa. I so enjoy reading those and seeing the sunshine and warmth. It’s so odd to me to think half of the world is always in a completely different season than the other half of the world…

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