when the thrifting gods shine

They really do shine. I truly believe in the rule of wishing. Telling yourself that you’ll find that item you most want. However, if you go into an op-shop looking for it, you won’t find it that day. It may be a week, a month, even years afterward. Then one day, when you aren’t even thinking about it, you turn your head and there it is. Sitting quietly, solemnly, waiting for you to take it home.

Our new dining table and my knitting bag (my nana’s actually)

I found a really, really, really old children’s table and chairs set. Hand made. Raw wood. Stained from tea cups. A few little cobwebs. When I saw it I smiled, my heart skipped and I knew the waiting was over. After I had paid I noticed the most perfect terracotta bowl, glazed white with painted apricots as decoration. And engraved on the bottom: made in australia by kate. I bought it too. Thank you Kate.

New floor cushions + a couch cushion (lotus fabric from ink and spindle)

I love the re-arranging when new furniture arrives. I love the styling. And so yesterday when the little one slept I dusted and cleaned and put things in their place. I bought some flowers and brightened up what has been a dull little abode these past few (sick) weeks.

A few weeks ago Katie suggested her readers blog about their favourite op-shopping find. I have about 7 years worth of ‘found’ clothes, vases, plates, teacups and bags in my home. I suppose my favourite ‘found’ object would have to be my knitting bag. It was my Nana’s and in my early uni days I used to take it with me…all the way to Sydney and back three times a week. I don’t think I’ve ever worn or carried an item that was commented on like this bag was. The handles are a little worn now and so it stays inside – getting a little older and hence more rich with memories.

That knitting bag is home to those beautiful skeins of yarn that are sitting patiently, waiting for their turn on the needles. A few of you have asked if I’m knitting Purl Bee’s super easy baby blanket and yes, I am. Purl Bee suggest using Alchemy Yarns’ Temple – a superfine merino wool. However, Alchemy doesn’t have an Australian distributor. I found the most beautiful Australian certified organic merino fleece wool – woolganic. Best of all it’s created by a sweet little family (buy it from them directly) and it’s super soft. Ché already cuddles up to the blanket so I know he’s not going to find it prickly. I did encounter a little problem though – the pattern requires 40 rows (20ridges) per colour. That’s fine if you’re using Alchemy Yarn because it’s 117metres…but if you use Woolganic you only get 104metres per skein. I purchased two skeins of each colour (knowing that the extra will get used eventually) and I’m knitting 48 rows per colour.

Most importantly – the colours. I chose grapefruit moon, gaia, sangha, leura, raindrops, gondwana and chilli pepper. Bliss.

thanks for all your comments re. white space. i like it…the space. i also like what claerwen said: white really is the new black.

Be well.

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Showing 11 comments
  • tea with lucy

    The thrifting gods have been busy! I've just posted my recent treasures too.

    Love that table and chair set. Perfect!

  • ladybug-zen

    my how i have missed this precious space of yours…and the lovely things you weave together so seamlessly, wondrously.

  • Erin

    The thrifting gods certainly did shine on you!!! What a really cool table …

  • Maggie May

    oh! that table and chairs are Laura Ingalls worthy…so charming. i love the chairs at your dining table- beautiful.

  • Hello Lindello

    Yay for thrift finds! Dont you just love it? Your table and chair set is awesome!

  • Katy

    How lovely! You do inspire

  • Leanne

    Oh they did smile on you Jodi…great table! I am sipping hot jasmine tea from my latest find and love right now!

  • Peta

    Thanks for getting back to me with regards to the knitting, Jodi – can't wait to see your finished product!

  • Rach

    Well done Jodi, some wonderful finds. (I am sending you an email with a question that I am sure you will be able to answer..)

  • ada sunday

    Oh well done with the table and chairs..and looking forward to seeing that baby blanket.

  • MelbourneVintage

    I believe in op shop gods! What lovely finds!

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