we celebrated

I said I wasn’t going to do a ‘party’ every year but by the time August came round I had organised an afternoon tea to celebrate Ché and his love of stars. Quite frankly, I couldn’t see the sense in not inviting family and friends around to sip chai and eat cake and hip hip hooray the little boy that always makes us smile. Once i stopped greeting and serving it was nice to look around and see the little people playing, the big people chatting. Ché was gifted the most beautiful toys – bought with love and received with much gratitude. I’m trying my best to organise them at the moment, keen to find a ‘home’ for each and every toy so that we all know where they need to go at the end of the day…but more on that later.

Two is so big and I never thought this far ahead when he was born. You forget that the newborn is just the beginning and there is so much growing to be done. So much to look forward to. Such a little character he is, waking up with rockstar hair (some mornings it’s about 7inches from his head) and beckoning us to follow him to the lounge where we sit in the sun and play safari. Or fire-trucks. Or we drink tea from wooden cups – stir, stir, stir.

He’s settled so well into the rhythm of Steiner playgroup and we, as a family, are benefiting so much from it. Two hours on a Friday morning really sets a beautiful pace for the rest of our week. And it is so nice to be surrounded by like-minded mamas, it really makes me feel supported and nurtured on this parenting journey. Somehow, though, my little one always ends up the messiest. If dirty clothes are a measure of happiness then Ché really is having the time of his life. I’m still trying to soak the dirt out of that white (not so white) tee above.

Each day is busy, spring-busy you could say. We’re eating fresh greens from our little garden and the tomato plants are growing skyward. Grandad is visiting on Sunday to help us plant a vegie patch in an old bathtub. Ché always eats a banana at story time before bed. A happy food that fills his belly and helps him slip into slumber. He’s sleeping in his own bed which means I’ve read more books in the last few weeks than I have in the last few years. I really love going to bed with a chamomile tea (sometimes honey) and reading. Pure bliss. So far, two is good. Really good.

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  • Kristi

    Sounds so lovely. Happy celebrating to you.

  • Ella

    oh my. this is so good. Happiest birthday sweet boy.

  • Peta

    Happy Birthday!

    Oh where where where did you get that red and grey quilt?? I love love love it.

  • Michelle

    Sounds like a wonderful day. xx

  • Ariad

    Happy Birthday to your precious one!!!

  • ladybug-zen

    according to my boys dirty = happy.
    happy day!

  • Anna

    Happy Birthday Che! He is too cute in that hat!!!!!
    Sounds like you are all in a good place, so happy for you.

  • becka

    Happy Birthday sweet boy!

  • katiecrackernuts

    Sounds like there is a lot to be celebrated. Yah to you and yours.

  • cat

    so glad he had a grand celebration…happy birthday again little man.

  • Home Girl

    thank u for that incredible birth story! its extra emotional to watch such a tale when being on the verge of a birth journey myself. happy birthday gorgeous mumma and che che two years is such a special time (can feel like a whole lifetime when u r a mum) lots of love xx

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