spring : turn of the season

A few nights ago I stood at the kitchen window and smelt spring. It was still and calm and a relief to welcome that fresh-with-a-hint-of-warmth scent. I’ve been thinking of it since.

Mid-morning every morning Poet and I walk along our street and visit the local gallery for a coffee. We spy the first signs of the new season; cherry blossom buds, almost-opened daffodils, fallen camellias against a duck egg blue fence.

Today while she slept I wrote a list of herbs and vegies that I’d like to plant. Mint, basil, flat-leaf parsley, rocket, baby spinach, rainbow chard. My society garlic has lasted through winter – the hardiest of herbs it infuses my pasta dishes with rich flavour and gives each and every salad a little kick.


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  • jody

    Beautiful images Jodi. I can't wait for spring, to get out in the garden again. x

  • Rachael

    Teddy and I spent some time pulling weeds out of the vege patch and planning a new-season planting today to Jodes…must be in the air!

  • Joanna

    Beautiful Jodi, and so evocative. It's been a tough winter… bring on Spring! xx

  • Rachael

    ugh, TOO, I mean, I am dismayed by my own grammar. Two poor!

  • Brenda @ Mira Narnie

    oh yes, i noticed the blossoms and the daffodils on my walk to and from school this week! eek! come on spring lets get going! I LOVE spring…it's my fav of the seasons xx

  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    just come and snip the herbs from my garden!

    xo em

  • Lila

    It's so much nicer to see the seasons change in plants instead of watching the calendar.

  • jay

    how wonderful, Ilo and i were also noticing the cherry blossoms and some jonquils this morning, i was planning on posting a picture on my blog too. strangely i don't really feel that winter has begun and now we are feeling spring, hmmm. xxx

  • ally

    Beautiful images
    I've spied a hint of spring here too…yay!

  • Lerosso

    I already have basil, mint and a beautiful strawberry plant that is blooming with little white flowers
    Spring is so great, hope it comes quickly 🙂

  • Maisy Dee

    Bring on spring I say – 2nd time this winter we have had this virus / cold bug, and with three kids under 4 I've had enough. BRING ON THE SUNSHINE 🙂 Gorgeous photos as always x

  • shine little light*

    I am so excited to have just received about 50 packets of seeds (with our diggers club membership) for spring planting. Unfortunately that whiff of spring hasn't winged its way to us inland yet (couldn't open my car door because of the frost this morning!) but I am so excited that it will soon! And then!!! There will be vegetables! Happy gardening! *s*

  • Brave New Fiona

    Its such a promising time of year! Looking forward to thawing out my nose before I get to use it properly in sniffing blooms. xx Fi

  • Lisa

    That first picture really made me feel hopeful. I'm sitting here, not sure if I am hot or cold, sick (again) with your run of the mill cold, my kidlets have it, Husband has it. It's miserable. It is so hopeful to see images that indicate Spring is coming.

    • Jodi

      honey & lemon tea! take good care Lisa x

  • Marta

    Hi Jodi! I have a question for you! Which camera do you use to take the amazing pictures you always post on the blog?
    thank you


    • Jodi

      Hi Marta, I'm currently writing a 'photography' post so keep an eye out in the next few weeks x

  • tea with lucy

    It still feels so far away, here where we are…

    rachel xo

  • Tash

    Beautiful. All of it, just beautiful. xx

  • Rebekka Seale

    Spring already! Pasta with herbs! My favorite!

  • carissa

    Reading/Seeing this makes spring feel so near, even when it's still so far from us!

  • emma

    yesterday was most definitely spring-like, I was very happy to be in a t-shirt! Oh how I love this time of year. I'm also mentally planning my vege garden, it's been waiting too long.

  • Veggie Mama

    I too am sensing spring! It's always close in Queensland, but I really feel the coldest part of winter has passed us by 🙂

  • Tania

    Funny enough, just this morning I thought I could sense Spring. It was such a contrast from the dreary cold top of 12 days we've been having. I've never tried society garlic, but it does sound intriguing. As always, beautiful photos.

    • Jodi

      oh you have to plant some society garlic. It is AMAZING! Really strong scent and flavour and fabulous in cheese muffins! x

  • Kate

    I hope that next spring I can plant a small garden too, I've been meaning to do that but never properly researched in time. You've inspired me to get thinking and be better prepared! Lovely photos, too!

  • Tammi

    I am so hanging out for the warmth of Spring, as much as I love Winter this year has been harsh.

  • Squiggly Rainbow

    we felt it too here in Victoria xxx would love for you to link this in and your vegie growing with my weekly garden journals! xx

  • beth

    such pretty captures of the coming season

  • dear olive

    Spring already? Where's winter? It's been a pretty odd one this year I think. Kellie xx

  • Georgia

    such beautiful photos jodi

  • Victoria

    The weather is so crazy at the moment, some days its super sunny & beautiful then its back to being all gloomy & raining.
    I have also started to plan what we can plant in our little patch of soil we have just need to buy/find a few things.

  • Evdokia Tsiligiridou

    beautiful colors!

    it's so weird that you enter spring now & here we are in the middle of summer 🙂

  • Saskia

    Lovely words Jodi! Does Che go to kindy while you and Poet walk to the gallery? What a treat for yourself, having a daily 'good' coffee:) I like rituals. I like how you've noticed spring, Im guessing its slightly cooler here in North Island of New Zealand than Sydney, how cold have your chilliest days been?

  • Zila

    So beautiful…here in Northern Arizona we are seeing lots of Sunflowers and Mexican Hats now…colors of Fall! Nature is beauty. Love the simplicity and authenticity of your images.

  • look see

    I felt a bit of spring in the air today too – although that could be the antibiotics clearing my head finally after a week of feeling foggy? It *almost* felt warm enough to go to Woollies without my coat. {Hmm, maybe I'm actually fevered instead?!}

  • Karyn

    Spring? I haven't had Winter yet. I still have my window open at night and kick off my blankets in a sweat. August around here is when the cold winds arrive. It may be my pregnant circulation that has me missing out on Winter, but I always feel it sneaks up on me just at this time of year. Maybe I will have to have a better look around outside.

  • cassie

    we are in the middle of summer here. i am deciding what to plant for my fall and winter garden right now. we will have a few in common with chard and spinach.

  • Reply

    I love when you first notice signs of Spring! It also has a 'feeling' that you can just feel in the air. I am really looking forward to some warmer weather. Cassie x

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