to the lighthouse

On Sunday, in luminous autumn sunshine, we ventured north to the lighthouse and explored the rock pools. Che threw rocks into the water for a while, then hitched up his pants and paddled before venturing a little further out towards the sea and finally immersing himself in the water. He had been sick for most of the week – the sunshine and salt air worked wonders and he returned home with rosy cheeks and a keen interest in researching coral.

In the afternoon it poured with sweet smelling rain so we stayed in, drank tea and read books. And then we ate shepherds pie and climbed into bed for adventure-induced sleep. Now that autumn is well and truly here it is so good to dream with the doona pulled right up to my chin. And to feel the dancing moves of the little one, kicking, flipping and high-fiveing – all. night. long.
In seasons
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  • janis

    That sounds like an utterly perfect day! And you have the most darling baby bump. Hope Che's coral research goes well 🙂

  • Lily Boot

    what a beautiful beach! The beach is truly the most reinvigorating and yet peaceful place I go. Looks like a beautiful autumn day indeed.

  • Gaby

    I also had a daytime nap snuggled under my duvet yesterday and it felt great! These are all such beautiful photos. THe one of the bird is perfect. Hope you're having a nice week. x

  • Caroline

    I love these photos!!

  • wakako

    these photos make me dream away… for a daydream:) i love seeing/reading your updates as it feels like a gentle reminder how lovely life is….

    thanks for sharing and inspiring.

  • Katrina

    We really do live in a beautiful part of the world – thank you for reminding me what is right on my doorstep…I am inspired to venture out more. Bump is coming along nicely…I have an inkling it may be a little sister for Che!

  • Kristi

    i am dying over that print on che's pants. sounds like he is officially a monie (that is what the cycle three children call themselves at quinn's school). xx.

    ps. you bump just keeps getting better.

  • freckles

    I need to get my husband to take me to see this lighthouse, i moved to the Central Coast 5 years ago to be with him and i fall more in love with its beauty every day but as he had lived here his whole life he takes it for granted, i need to go sightseeing to discover more of my own backyard!
    And i love little Che's pants! Did you make them or did you buy them somewhere?

  • fliss

    All of that sunday you describe makes me pine to live closer to the beach. Beautiful photos of you 2.

    I am having a giveaway if you are interested????

  • Lizeylou

    You look fantastic … and shepherds pie – YUMMO!

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