tiny dancer

Poet attended her first wedding on Saturday night. The verdict? She likes to party. Seriously party. She even thought she was important enough to hang out at the bridal table for a while there, entertaining the bridesmaids between the main and dessert. As for this week’s feats…she’s got the coy ‘I know I’m gorgeous but I’ll act nonchalant’ look mastered and she’s getting rather good at blowing raspberries. Dribble, anyone?

The past few days she has been referred to as Miss Squawk-a-lot…hmmm, she looks sweet but she can scream like the best of them.
Dress: an op-shop find from years ago. I remember thinking: “I’m sure I’ll have a baby girl one day, I’ll buy it just in case.”
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  • fast times in münchen.

    Oh Jodi. Poet and her dress are divine. I also had a stash of those 'just in case I have a girl one day' outfits. Forward thinking. I like it. xx

  • kristi

    some baby love, i'm always in the mood. x

  • one claire day

    Oh Poet, you are perfection.

    …and that dress? Jealous – and not just for Lalie, I'd quite like one myself!

  • m.e (Cathie)

    Jodi, Poet is absolutely wonderful! love those little feet & that gorgeous smile.

    absolutely beautiful ♥

  • jody

    Poet, you look gorgeous. So glad you enjoyed the wedding! x

  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    Poet, you smoochie little dribble face. Your orright with me, I like a screamer- it's all I know. We can never hear you from our place, so it's cool.

    xo em

  • Tammi

    Poet is adorable, as it her dress and shoes 🙂
    It's no wonder she stole the show!

  • Leanne

    So beautiful, and that dress is perfect.

  • Christina

    Too adorable! Poet, the dress, the shoes, possibly not the screaming, but hopefully that's just a phase. 🙂

  • evie dear

    Poet is so cute! That dress is amazing!!

  • thewindhover

    Little P looks perfectly lovely in her celebratory attire!

    p.s. I must admit I have a little stash of baby girl things I have collected at thrift stores over the years 🙂 I do wonder whether this child wriggling around inside is a He or a She!

  • Tania

    She just gets cutie patootie-er by the day…

  • kit and nancy.

    my heart warms when i look at her! you have just given me all the reason in the world to keep collecting little girl dresses!

  • Shelley

    What a sweet little dress! Poet looks adorable in it 🙂

  • a-pastiche.com

    this is such a lovely stage .. they suddenly become so aware .. and maybe with that awareness comes frustration, hence the squawking .. x georgi

  • BabyMac

    Oh my STARS. That dress. Those shoes. That little lady. I cannot get enough of little girls. They make the world go round!

  • dear olive

    Oh Poet, that dress is TOO GOOD. Kellie xx

  • Simply Bike

    What a cutie, and that dress is wonderful! I wish I had bought all those cute kid items I always saw but never felt justified in purchasing before I had a baby. Good thinking!


  • fliss

    Jodi, she is just so beautiful and even cuter in that gorgeous outfit! I used to buy dresses when i travelled thinking one day i would have a girl! funny hey!
    lots of love to you all.xxxx

  • Danielle

    what a gorgeous dress.

  • green tea and red nails

    love the dress! i have two plastic crates filled with 'just in case' baby clothes! haha!

    kel x

  • GSims

    wow, she's precious. i just love the print on that dress.

  • sophie

    My goodness, she is looking more and more like you everyday! I just LOVE the dress – it's perfect!

  • Mariella

    what a sweet sweet little girl! She's beautiful and so are her dress and shoes…maybe I should start buying girls' clothes "just in case" …I wonder if it will bring me luck for a third child after 2 boys ?:-)

  • You, Me and Bebe

    Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful!

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