there’s going to be a baby

Story time: “There’s Going to be a Baby” by John Burningham & Helen Oxenbury.

Che: “Mum, can I tell you a question?”

Me: Sure.
Che: “How did the baby get in your belly?”
Me: One day, Muma and Dada decided we would really like the baby to start growing in my belly. And it did.”
Che: “Can I get in there?”
Me: “No, you’ve already been in there. When it was your turn to grow.”
Che: “How will the baby come out.”
Me: “Well, when the baby is ready I’ll start getting a few pains in my belly and I might breathe really deep and perhaps make deep, roaring noises like a lion. And then it will be born.”
Che: “Who will catch the baby?”
Me: “I’m not sure yet. Maybe Dad, he caught you. Or maybe Val, our midwife.”
Che: “Will the baby have milky?”
Me: “Yes.”
Che: “Can I have some too?”
Me: “No, you had milky for two whole years. When the baby is born it will be the baby’s turn for milky.”
Che: “Muma, I’m love the baby.”
Me: “The baby loves you too.”
In motherhood
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  • one claire day

    What a precious time in your lives this is… reading your conversation has warmed my day and my heart!

    P.S – such a good idea using book to prepare him for the new arrival.

    x claire

  • thejadeleaf

    What a gorgeous moment – for you both. Jade x

  • nicole

    what a sweet conversation! it made me smile.

  • Caroline


  • Gaby

    Gosh, be still my quivering ovaries. Every time I read your blog I want to have a baby this very moment. In any case, your "baby" sounds sweet, and very funny. HE'll be a great big brother. x

  • Rhiannon

    I'm all teary! I love the innocence of our children, and loved your answers for Che too.
    Rhi xx

  • Tania

    Very sweet 🙂 I loved your answer to the baby in belly question.

  • Sini

    I love that conversation 🙂

  • C

    haha what an adorable conversation 😀 Congrats!!

  • Cath @ chunkychooky

    When faced with the question how do babies get in your belly we said; every woman has eggs inside her, you have some in you now and when you are big one of the egss might turn into a baby like you did. She replied feeling her belly- yep, I can feel my eggs already.

  • claire

    Oh this is so cute! I was trying to find a book exactly like this for my god-daughter. Perfect post/timing. Not long now… xox

  • Z

    i have this book… it's beautiful 🙂

  • Emma Bradshaw

    just beautiful Jodi x

  • Alicia


  • Ola

    That is just precious!

  • dear olive

    I could read this story one hundred times and it would still give me a tear! I am ridiculously weepy, but it's also such a sweet story. Ah, the love! Kellie xx

  • mary catherine

    that is so sweet! we get a lot of those same questions around here as we wait for our second little one. so exciting!

  • Tammi

    Oh what a terribly sweet and gorgeous conversation.

  • Reply

    Che is now is so grown. Hopw you are feeling well.xo jill

  • ecoMILF

    so cute. they have already bonded. xx m.

  • Rachael

    sweet. x

  • Nell

    Too cute. The boy is precious x

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