the four-day reprieve

The four-day weekend just gone was just the kind of slowing down we needed. Don’t you think that we’d all be much happier and healthier if a four-day weekend was scheduled every few months? How good is that feeling on Saturday evening when you know you’ve got two whole days to go! Two whole days peppered with chocolate and tea and books and naps.

The long weekend was made much sweeter because the house was clean. On Saturday morning (before we embarked on the mammoth task of house hunting), Daniel and I got stuck into a thorough clean. He’s a productive cleaner, that’s for sure. I tend to reorganise and rearrange as I go which, in the scheme of things, isn’t overly effective. But with clear floors, no boxes in sight (we hid them all in the office) and a lingering to-do list ticked off, we felt rather accomplished. Tired but accomplished.

Despite the fact that we still haven’t found a house, I feel like I’m in a much better headspace. Clearing physical space in the home really does settle the mind. Now that I can actually see the couch (it was under three basket-loads of washing) and I’m not tripping over wooden blocks, there’s a very obvious set of tasks laid out before me: declutter, sort, pack, put the box to the side. With an editorial deadline almost complete and two weeks of school holidays (and less schedule!) just around the corner, I feel like we’re right on track for this imminent upheaval.

Onwards and upwards! And forwards!

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  • aluminiumgirl

    Four day weekends for everyone!

  • Audrey

    Hear hear! How good is the loooong weekend?! I'm in QLD and we have two 3-dayers coming up, one after the other. I am already mentally there…

  • Kari

    "Chocolate and tea and books and naps." Couldn't ask for better. Good luck with the house hunt.


    How Percy pics make me happy everytime!
    Good luck with house hunting and packing!

  • Jess B

    It was amazing. We all had Tuesday off too, so it's like a mini holiday!

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