the cost of living in 2015

Moving house so close to Christmas proved to be expensive beyond my expectations. Despite the fact that we only moved ten minutes up the road and did most of the moving ourselves, the costs added up quickly. Factor in the budget-conscious setting up of our new home, end-of-year-celebrations and Christmas lists and we started the New Year with a more humble bank balance than we intended.

Alas, at least we have a bank balance that’s in the positive. Perspective is good at times like this.

I tend to stress about finances in every pregnancy, despite the fact that in each subsequent pregnancy, we’ve been in a better financial situation than the last. After seven years of teaching prenatal yoga I know for a fact that my worries are not unusual; a fear of the financial is one shared by most pregnant women.

I’ve written about the cost of living a few times (here, here and here) and I’ve always been inspired and motivated by the suggestions within the comments.

Indeed, as the years pass the cost of living continues to increase, despite our best efforts to be conscious of how and where we are spending money. It’s a universal issue that seems particularly pertinent at this time of year; in school holidays the grocery bill seems to increase exponentially and the costs associated with back-to-school are significant.

Daniel and I both work freelance; it’s a beautiful lifestyle choice that allows us to spend lots of quality time as a family but the downside is that there isn’t a lot of financial stability. We’ve learned to work with it though; we are pretty sensible when it comes to what we buy and our outgoings are kept to a minimum. Still, every fortnight I’m shocked by how much the day-to-day costs us.

Since our move we have made a few changes to ensure we are making sensible financial decisions and consequently embracing our desire for simple and mindful living.

– in mid-2014 we finally purchased a coffee machine. Instead of buying a top-of-the-range model we opted for the very affordable sunbeam cafe crema + grinder, both of which happened to be on sale at the time. We spent about $150 in total and since then, Daniel has perfected the art of coffee making (my brother is a coffee roaster so we get the beans for free) and we have saved ourselves a fortune. Coffee in cafes, takeaway coffees and the added sweet extras were really increasing our weekly spending and it got to the point where we just couldn’t justify it anymore. We’ll still go to a cafe about once a week but we consider it a bit of a treat and, where possible, we go without the children.

– we rarely buy books. When we were packing up our old house we were floored by how little our book collection had been touched over the years. Whilst the children’s books are regularly read, our novels just sat on the shelf looking pretty. We donated most of our collection, kept our absolute favourites (especially cooking, gardening and lifestyle books) and since then, we’ve been going to the library which saves us money and ensures our bookshelf stays clutter-free.

– we researched our electricity consumption. Even when we turn our computer off, it’s still using electricity, hence we turn it off at the wall at every available opportunity – same goes for most appliances. We don’t have carpet in this new house so the vacuum cleaner rarely gets used and because we get endless amounts of sun, we haven’t turned the dryer on since we moved in. Come wintertime, a clotheshorse on the balcony or beside the fire should eliminate the need for the dryer altogether (that’s our intention, anyway).

– we’re a one car family – by choice. Granted there are weeks when the juggle can get a little frustrating (especially when Daniel is working in Sydney) and it is going to be more difficult this year as I have to drive Che to school (we were within walking distance at our old house) but…we prefer the juggle to the expense of a second car.

– where I can, I buy groceries in bulk. Admittedly, I’m terrible at bulk buying, simply because the large bill terrifies me but I’ve come to realise that I’d rather have a large bill once every three weeks than a series of small bills every few days. We get our organic fruit + veg delivered once a week so it’s only dry goods, bread and milk that I need to stock up on (I buy meat from the local butcher once a week).

– we take our water bottles everywhere (we love and swear by the klean kanteen range).- we started a vegie patch and whilst I think I planted too late in the season (the humidity has been a bit of an issue) we have still managed to reap a good selection of greens. Now, I’m looking towards autumn/winter and thinking of what to plant.

We still have a goal of buying a little house but for now, we’re pretty happy where we are; saving where we can and enjoying what we already have.

How are you feeling about finances for the New Year? Do you have a savings plan? What is your top tip for saving money as a family?

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  • Corrie

    love this post and yes the cost of living is crazy! a few years ago I stopped buying coffee and snacks for myself when I'm out, all the kids take their drink bottles even if they are 'dying of thirst' when we are at the shops, big bulk shops, home delivery so I don't go crazy buying things I don't need, only buying things on sale, we had to get a 2nd car for work but for 8 years as a family got by on one. No holidays we can't afford, after school activities that are affordable. I have to say that since moving I feel a lot less pressure to keep up with the latest of everything and I'm enjoying it and we had to put more money into school fees but it has been worth it.
    A lot of people say they couldn't afford more children but actually it makes you so much more responsible with your money and so I think it's been a great lesson to me.
    I do need to do the fruit and veggie planting though. Just a small problem of time and rabbits:)

    • Jodi

      It's so true that the more children you have, the more sensible/responsible you are with money. I'm always interested to hear how large families budget and I love that since your move you have felt less pressure to "keep up with the jones'" – what a lovely feeling! As for the vegie patch….it's all trial and error; small steps to spending less x

  • Zara

    We too moved at the end of 2014 and all the expenses soon added up. A removal truck bill of close to $4000 did not help the situation one bit, but it had to be done.
    I'm big on turning all appliances off at the wall. The only thing that's on all the time is the fridge. The internet, computers, TV, washing machine and sewing machine all go off when not in use.
    We're lucky in our new town that the very low humidity means clothes dry in a flash even if it's cloudy or raining.
    One thing that saves us a few dollars every week is just making the café outing just for coffee rather than a meal or snack too. We eat before hand at home so our café bill is under $10 rather than over $20+.

  • Ashley

    It's still Wednesday here in the US, so I was really confused when I saw the date on this post! We also live a simple, kind of frugal life. I'm a teacher, and he works hourly as a vet assistant. I'm lucky to do photography and illustration on the side to make some extra money. I'm not sure what we'd do without it. We are thinking of starting a family, and the budget/costs really do add up quickly! I think budgeting, deciding what you're willing to give up- cable, smart phones, cafe coffee down to once a month, going out to eat or shopping very often…cutting back makes a huge difference. We rarely go out and buy anything besides groceries, but it's hard not to worry about finances. We are lucky to have low student loans, but I know people who really struggle to pay off their education and move on to paying for life. Times are tough for many, and I guess we just have to take it one day at a time!

  • Lila Wolff

    We've been doing the one car thing for years now, and while you're right it's a juggle it's a huge saving, with just registration and servicing costs alone.
    I buy my groceries online, it has pretty much eliminated impose buying and allows me to shop for most things fortnightly meaning I'm more careful about what we consume and how.

    • Jodi

      and car insurance! I occasionally buy my groceries online and definitely will over the next few months but I must admit, sometimes I like browsing the aisles to see what's on special x

  • Lindsay

    Can I ask where you get your fruit/veg delivery from? It can be hard on the central coast, I'm trying to find/choose a place.

    • Jodi
      Reply – highly recommend! They also deliver organic pantry staples, nuts, milk and bread x

    • Lindsay

      thank you!

  • Jessica

    I feel like your post couldn't have come at a better time. My husband and I were just sitting down yesterday going over everything…feeling a little panicked, but knowing in the end it usually works out just fine! There are always little things we can cut back on that really add up over months and months, we just have to be creative sometimes!

  • Carlin

    We are dedicating this year to making extremely prudent choices when it comes to money. I'll admit it feels good to think about all the little things and make small changes. We are also down to one car, and don't buy books either . Unless they are secondhand. I'm also just exercising restraint and paying more attention. Hoping to come up with some more tips as the year goes on. Moving and car repairs are the worst.

    • Jodi

      I think being frugal is most difficult when you're exhausted; because it's so much easier to order takeaway or duck to the shops instead of using your imagination when it comes to meal time. That said, I like the satisfaction that comes from making the effort x

  • Rachel

    I needed to read this today. You have turned my frown upside down. I really do try not to worry about money but sometimes it is impossible. Thank you. X

  • Jess B

    It's so hard isn't it? I'd say money is the biggest stress on our relationship too. (Followed closely by lots of small children! 4 in 5 years, with the 5th due in June.) We choose to be a single income family, as it's important to both of us for me to be with our pre-schoolers full-time. This means that money for us is always very tight – we have no disposable income at all. (Which is something that, though challenging, we accept happily as part of the stage of life we're in.) Some of the ways we save money are by having just one car (like you!), though it's a people mover, not a car! We live within cycling distance of my husband's work, and he cycles, rain or shine (with good wet weather gear – cheaper than a second car!). I do my main grocery shop once a month, which saves on all those little extra things that somehow sneak into the trolley when you're there every week! If we run out of $$ in our food budget at the end of the month we make do with porridge, rice and frozen veges, rather than spending more than what we've set aside. We're also very blessed by our family, friends and church. Just last month someone from our church anonymously gave us $100 in an envelope to "pay a bill of have some fun!" It was incredibly humbling and beautiful, and so gratefully received. We have a good circle of friends with kids of similar ages (and all on single incomes too) and we all babysit for each other, so none of us needs to pay someone. My Mum sometimes cooks for us, and often buys bits and pieces of clothes for the kids, and we get a lot of hand-me-downs too, so I usually only have to buy a 'nice' outfit or two for going out. Overall, though we have little coin to rub together, we are so very, very blessed by everything else – and the budget always works out at the end of the year!

    • Reannon

      Jess, this was really lovely to read. You sound very grounded & real. I like that 🙂

    • Jodi

      Thanks so much for your honesty, Jess. Do you have any children at school yet? x

    • Jess B

      HI Jodi, yes we do – two this year! Our daughter just turned five a few weeks ago, and our oldest son is 6.5. They go to a private Christian school – another hard decision we have made as good, Christian education is an important thing to us – however, it means the fees are quite mountainous! It's a great school, so we consider it money well spent. 🙂

  • Reply

    The two best things we ever did were commit to putting 20% of whatever comes in (wages, tax return, gifts…) into savings and figuring out what our regular bills (not food or fuel, just utilities, insurance etc) cost us over 12 months, then putting aside a certain amount weekly to cover it. Obviously, it takes a few months to build up a buffer, but it is so amazing to not have to stress when it rego time for the car etc.. (perhaps with irregular incomes it would work better on a monthly or quarterly basis instead?).

    • Niki Kate

      I too have used this method of budgeting. When my daughter was born we had a tiny tiny income and I could make it round the supermarket for under $50 (it was 20 years ago!) and create meals out of very basic ingredients. With careful saving and good budgeting we were able to buy a house and allow me to stay at home for nine years, during which time I completed a degree. I continue to this day putting a set amount aside each month – which is a real bonus when a fabulous special is on at the supermarket or there is an unexpected bill – the build-up of funds covers it and I slowly 'pay myself back'. My daughter also uses this system and after three years working has her house deposit and knows she too will be able to be a stay home mum in the future if she is blessed with babies.

    • Jodi

      Thanks for your suggestions B & N … it's definitely food for thought and I'll look into setting up a similar method for our own budget x

  • Ariana Lyriotakis-Macdonald

    I don't know how we'd survive as a family of 6 without places like Costco (have you got that in Australia?) We buy everything in bulk from organic meats and fish, fizzy water, tortillas, wine…you name it. They also having an amazing variety of cheeses and the prices are fantastic. Each Costco is tailored to the area it's in; we're in Southern California so they also have things like amazing prices on surfboards, local wines, etc. In between we try to shop at places like Trader Joe's and less at Whole Foods (i.e. Whole Paycheck), even though it's right on our corner. The other thing we do that is super important but hurts in the short-term is making sure we contribute to our retirement savings. My husband's company has a really great program where they match your contribution, so we max ours out. We'd definitely prefer to have the extra cash each paycheck, believe me, but since it's automatically deducted, we no longer think about it and manage on what's left (*I think that's the key— out of sight, out of mind!) The coffee thing will save you a ridiculous amount in the long-term (I hope you're keeping track…you'll be shocked!)

  • Ariana Lyriotakis-Macdonald

    ps: I also second the one car thing, if you can swing it. We actually saved money on our insurance by upgrading to a brand new, more expensive car (go figure!), but one that seats 8 people, because they profile the 'type' of person (hi, moms!) who drives a minivan vs. a sedan or crossover, etc. My hubby has an electric bike he pedals to and from work daily. He's got the best deal of all!

  • Katrina@capturingmoments

    We have never had a credit card and never want one. If we don't have it we don't spend it! I buy cheap brands that have proved their standard but also know when to buy the better brand like laundry powder for example because you use less and it actually works!! We are fortunate in that we always loved off one income, means having children hasn't been such a big step financially in terms of me working or not. We very rarely eat out and find fun free things to do with the kids.

  • Kirsty

    Meal planning all the time and freezer/pantry week. Once every few months I make all our meals using only what is in the freezer or pantry. It uses up all those leftovers or bits and pieces hanging round. I only have to then buy the basics for that week. It is amazing what meals you can come up with.

  • Hollands Reverie

    Oh my- like you all my hubbyand I can of do our thing, just making ends meet, is great as long as it means we're together, but it can be so hard to stick with a budget. We have raised our own meat this year, so that's been huge, and we have tried to cut our "fancy coffee" down to once a week. Small things have been let go and trying to stick with what's important to us and our family.

  • shine little light*

    huzzah for growing veggies! As vegos our main groceries are vegetables and we save a fortune with what we grow. For winter may I recommend you give Kale, broccoli and sugar snap peas a go, its also not too late for where you are to get some cucumber, zucchini and pumpkins going! *s*

  • Whit

    Just have to say- my parents didn't have tons growing up and didn't spend beyond their means and I'm so grateful for it. It just helped me learn really young that people are more important than things. It also helped me learn to manage money and now that I'm an adult, I'm so very grateful for all I have, especially the nice stuff. So, way to go, what a great example for your kids to follow.

  • katiecrackernuts

    The LETS group on the Central Coast might be a good place to do veggie swaps and other child-focussed budget-minded things. It's been a while since I've been a member, but I know it still exists. The permaculture community on the coast too is a great resource for buying food in bulk and swapping seeds, cuttings, veggies, etc.

  • knitbakecultivate

    We're in the same boat as we moved before christmas too. I too was horrified at the expense of it all and expected to be better off than we ended up. we also had tons of visitors over xmas and new year which was also pricey feeding everyone plus the inevitable alcohol consumption! Hubby is coeliac so add that expense in too. We also got by on one car for about 8 years until it became a real issue. I used to cycle to work while hubby dropped the kids off at their various places before going to work. Looking back it was hard. We saved hard and tried to budget with the shopping. I still struggle with it all, but finances are better since we moved as we halved the mortgage, but we have school fees to deal with now. I shop at the local farmers markets for fruit and veg as its so much cheaper than woollies and better quality. I also buy organic meat in bulk from the market, very cheap and great quality, and I freeze it, defrosting when I need it. We rarely eat out and rarely get takeaway. Cafe's are also a rare treat, reserved mostly for school holidays and occasional weekends. We also bring our own food when out and about, throwing in some nice treats like homemade brownies and a bag of chips, so the kids don't feel like they're missing out. It sounds like you are on top of things and well prepared financially for the little one's arrival. Good luck, and sorry for waffling on, this subject is one that always sparks a good discussion. T x

  • Penelope P.

    Gosh, this post epitomises your practising of simplicity! You evidently make very good, straightforward choices and have expressed them so clearly here. Instead of making a song and dance about how expensive everything is etc you are calmly making more than the best of your life situations. Inspirational indeed. Thank you. Penny L

  • SumsInTheSun

    Hi Jodi. I often look at your blog life and see the parallels to my own. I think in some ways I am you only about 15 years on. I too have the need for simplicity that stems from a natural tendency towards minor anxiety. Having order and a simple colour palette around me sooths me. I wish I had your wisdom at your age though….I think mine came later, ha! I do have the simple/frugal thing down pat by now though. There comes a time when you are so comfortable in your own imperfect/perfect skin that you have no interest in the Joneses at all. You naturally move from 'acquisition' to 'appreciation'. Where I once loved to buy beautiful things I now take great pleasure in having only my most treasured possessions around me. This has been the greatest change to my financial situation…no unnecessary purchases, practically none at all. It is liberating. Any spare funds are now spent on interesting travel (hiking in provincial China visiting my now newly grown up 19 year old boy in April this year). You are wise beyond your years, Jodi. Thank you for your heartwarming posts. I do so look forward to them. Annie xxx

  • Kathy

    I have had a budget for many many years using first a paper system and excel and I could tell you how any bill was during that time. What I have noticed that is the "normal household items" like electricity, water, rates, insurance (house, contents and car) have skyrocketed and od course these days we all need an Internet package (I am now with DoDo and they are fantastic ($39.90) for unlimited Internet whereas Virgin and Telstra were double that. These basic household items to me are actual luxuries because of their cost but you can't not have those essentials. I don't have foxtel and won't ever get it but the average running costs for the family home now put a huge strain on the budget compared to even a few years ago. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  • Carie

    We're just at that stage of refining our finances again after Pip arrived last summer – it's so true that each baby makes you more careful, and not just because the same amount is being stretched thinner!! I think it just resets your priorities a bit, we would rather have our three children and both of us able to be home for family supper each day than in higher powered and higher paid jobs that would take us away from the family and that means we have to cut our cloth accordingly!

  • mrsbutters

    A very timely reminder for us to revisit the budget and see where we can save. We haven't a great plan and don't manage it closely but need to. We already do a number of the suggestions so I know we aren't stretching things too far. The big thing we have decided this year is that we are a two car family (which happened for a number of reasons) and for the savings are planning to go back to one. Like Kathy, the normal household expenses just keep going up. It blows me away how expensive insurances are, but the reality is its when you need the money most that you need insurances the most.

  • Natalie Britton

    Wow, I'm going to echo everyone's sentiments and say: THANK YOU. I'm hoping to become a momma in the next year or so and finances are most certainly on my mind. On top of that, I want to go freelance, too! Thanks for writing about these things honestly and with encouragement.

    Circus & Bloom

  • Melissa Wilson-Shaw

    The best thing we ever did was overhaul our finances and simplify our family life. Disconnected the foxtel, sold & gave away our excess stuff we don't use, unplug at the wall as we have smart meters in VIC which even when something is switched off at the wall it still sweeps the house every few seconds and you get charged still! A lower rate but still there is a charge for having some plugged in even with the switch off. We bought Kleen kanteens & an Aeropress so we can have good coffee at home or on a road trip, got library cards, take my son to the reading session at the library & screenings of movies like Totoro they have there. All extra money saved on top of the 20% of each pay we out away we put on our mortgage. We also gave up take away apart from the odd BBQ chook, planted herbs, signed up to websites & Facebook pages to see all the free things happening in our area. We buy meat & pantry staples in bulk, collect an organic vege box and use farmers markets as our place for a treat not the supermarket. Spending more on grass fed pastured meats, organic veges and other quality ingredients means even a simple meal is wonderful so we eat out a lot less.

  • Jovana

    depending when one lives, no car is also a perfectly good option. when we lived in Sydney for 3 years (first with one and then with two kids) we really didn't feel put out without a car. also considering eating a plant-based diet at least some of the time could significantly cut costs as well (I second meal planning). also we had a reasonably small garden this summer and i think we nonetheless cut our food costs by a third! the one thing i wish we did that one of the commenters mentioned, that we didn;t was- never gotten out credit cards…now we are paying them off and keeping them somewhere upstairs in the closets so they are never used. can't wait to remedy that mistake:) finally, we are- well i am- trying to do no clothes shopping this year (for my self). i for one have just like it seems like most people a closet full of clothes that are absolutely never worn! we'll see how that goes. thanks for this post, it helps keep focused!:)

  • muenze eins

    thanks for your article! I vividley remember my worries about finances during all of my pregnancies… it's the nesting probably :)… during each pregnancy we had major changes going on, job change, working under fixed contract, then buying a house etc.. but even without being pregnant there is regularly the finance worry issue and basically more or less at the same times like you mentionned. When the school year starts,, during holiday season, end of the year.. and then in an old house there is always something that brakes; we also are a one car family, and living in the city it is totally doable, we try to buy as well in big bulks (though the bill then is terrifing like you said) for the same reasons that you mentioned; for the kids clothes I always try to buy during the sales, sometimes in advance for the next season, same for us, and since I love sewing and knitting I try to do some pieces myself… but it's not always doable with three kids, they grow to fast :)…and last year I've tried to get rid of excess stuff lying around like books,, clothes etc via a brocante-braderie (basically trying to sell for little price what's still in good condition)… anyway thanks for your insight, I'll be thinking of the unplugging,, didn't realise really until now, but good tip!

  • littlebitofthyme

    My new years goal was to not use my dryer.. So far I haven't and for that I am pretty chuffed!
    Loved this post x

  • Rachel Harris

    Your post resounds with me also. I too worry about money we have what I feel is a large mortgage (manageable but larger than we had ever hoped for) it makes me anxious…a mix of gratitude at being able to buy a home and anxiousness about the debt. This spurs us on to making very careful financial decisions. We've been married 10 years and have three kids 7, 5, and 2 years. We have only every bought our mattresses new, all our other furniture was second hand, some near new, some from roadside collections. Much like your, our home looks beautiful with our carefully chosen yet free and expensive pieces. Thanks to Ebay and a willingness to drive (our one car complete with roof racks) to collect large items. We use eBay and gumtree whenever we need to purchase, wherever possible. We bought a Seco coffee machine on eBay after ours died and had it couriered to us interstate at a total cost of $70. Ebay and gumtree are great if your not in urgent need it, but it does take practice to get into a habit of buying second hand online. I hope each of us feel a little less anxious knowing we are not alone, thanks for sharing and in doing so helping to normalising our feelings and support each other in our journey of saving. OM

  • Eloise

    Oh Rachel, I love the end of your comment, "I hope each of us feel a little less anxious knowing we are not alone, thanks for sharing and in doing so helping to normalising our feelings and support each other in our journey of saving. OM". How well put, and I am echoing the sentiment, Jodi! 🙂

    My 2 cents – I bought a 'Budget Book' from Kikki K this month. Tracking every cent I've spent through January has been a HUGE shock, and definite eye opener. I highly recommend this method!

  • Donna Martinez

    Have you read so many books on how you can solve any problem in your relationship yet none of the principle you apply have work, here is the solution you need to restore your broken relationship, there is one man that was able to restore my broken relationship, I have always taught that white are more superior to black in all aspect of life, But this powerful spell caster called Dr.Ekpen of Ekpen Temple proved to me that intends of spell casting that Africans are the best. That is the reason why i will be recommending the services of Dr.Ekpen of Ekpen Temple to all those that have been heartbroken because just through these details: ( Or call +2347050270218 i was able to contact Dr.Ekpen of Ekpen Temple and today i am happy

  • somebody

    I have been recommended Dr Love Solution, by Zilnas website When am searching for a tips to get my ex girlfriend back after I have hurt her over comments I made regarding her brother, who has a chronic drink problem, she travels down to see him on her day off, I said I admire her for what she is doing but Anthony needs to look after himself, as the person ends to make the effort to change his lifestyle, as he has been in constant trouble through drinking, and doesn't appear to want to change, she exploded and told me shedding want to see me again, I have apologized for being insensitive, sent her chocolates and wrote to her, but no response so i Called Dr Love Phone number +2348038096203 to ask if he help me with reuniting with my ex, and retaining her affection, trust, and for Maggie to see that I said what I did as I care for her deeply because i don't want to lose Maggie Dr Love told me the cost involved so i accept and pay for the fees so he promise me to wait for 48 Hours that she will Return back to me, as Dr love said Maggie call me and she said she will be at my place for dinner so i was very happy and am very glad to have her back. BIG Thanks to Dr Love.


  • james mack

    My Wife divorce me for no reason, Thanks to Dr Dr.jarto for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again, My name is Marcus Williams. i live in Italy, I`m happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with two kids A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my wife so terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she did not love me anymore So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.(}, So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day what an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who did not call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster . So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same web site:,if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back. So thanks to Dr Dr.jarto for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again. { }, Thanks you Dr Dr.jarto, i will always be testifying about your good work.This spell is a 100% Guarantee for your situation.

  • joy mark

    Hi. am 29years old and I was with my ex for 4years after a year of being together we moved in with eachother with my daughter who calls my ex daddy our relationship was great living apart but once we moved in with eachother the arguments started and my trust issues. I always use to get funny about him going down the pub with his mates while im at home and we then ended up falling out and he would be gone all night and come in at like 2-3am drunk. I also use to get funny about him going away on holiday with his mates every year. I know him breaking up with me was my fault but not sure why he broke up with me anyway money was getting tight living together so we decided to move out and he go back to his mums and I get a place for me and my daughter we argued alot at that point because of the stress trying to findX somewhere to live he said he wanted to go on a months break after moving out so we can clear our heads 5weeks into our break me text me saying we’re over I was really upset because I love him so much I was always texting him and ringing him saying I love him give me another chance then he blocked my number so I couldn’t contact him do then I message him on fb asking about my daughter as she was going on about how she doesn’t understand why she’s nit seeing daddy anymore he replies with contact me once your over me and I will have contact with your I left it a week and even though im not over him still till this day I messaged him saying I was over him so he replies with im glad to hear your over me we will arrange something for me to see your daughter. I still love him and I wanted him back i told my sister about it and she introduced me to the Famous spell caster, who helps in so many ways.i contacted her and she did her thing,before i knew it,the next day mike called me and apologized that he was sorry for everything and im sure he will never leave me again. i am so happy now,you can also get in touch with pristess iyawo on her site or her email on

  • Tracie Aldana

    I can't say Doctor Osemu Okpamen is the almighty GOD but he's a GOD on earth. Why i said that is because he helped me to get back my husband that divorced me 3 years back living me hopeless with nothing. I searched for local helps around but nothing good showed up. So, i decided to go into the internet in search of help and i discovered that Doctor Osemu Okpamen was been praised globally for his good works. I decided to get in touch with him for assistance and he prepared a spell for me and assured me that my husband will come back to me within 12 to 16 hours i was skeptical about it but i had no choice than to believe in his words. To my greatest surprise, my husband called me and started pleading that he was coming back home and today, we are living as one big happy family again. Am Tracie Aldana from Kentucky USA and here is my cell number +1270-946-9415. Get in touch with him now if you need any help like getting your love ones back, spell to get pregnant, spell to stop divorce, spell to cure any kind of diseases like Aids, HIV, Anemia, Cancer, E.T.C. Email him now on; OR Website: OR what'sapp on +2348135254384 or call on +2349032265990

  • Tracie Aldana

    I can't say Doctor Osemu Okpamen is the almighty GOD but he's a GOD on earth. Why i said that is because he helped me to get back my husband that divorced me 3 years back living me hopeless with nothing. I searched for local helps around but nothing good showed up. So, i decided to go into the internet in search of help and i discovered that Doctor Osemu Okpamen was been praised globally for his good works. I decided to get in touch with him for assistance and he prepared a spell for me and assured me that my husband will come back to me within 12 to 16 hours i was skeptical about it but i had no choice than to believe in his words. To my greatest surprise, my husband called me and started pleading that he was coming back home and today, we are living as one big happy family again. Am Tracie Aldana from Kentucky USA and here is my cell number +1270-946-9415. Get in touch with him now if you need any help like getting your love ones back, spell to get pregnant, spell to stop divorce, spell to cure any kind of diseases like Aids, HIV, Anemia, Cancer, E.T.C. Email him now on; OR Website: OR what'sapp on +2348135254384 or call on +2349032265990


    Hello my is NICOLAS NAYLA i want to share my testimony on how i married for the pass 10yrs without even conceiving a baby and i have done all the medical check up and the doctors said am okay yet i was still unable to conceive until one faithful day i was on the internet doing some research and i saw a testimony share by someone on how a man call Dr. OYAS help her to get conceive a baby after casting a pregnancy spell for her and i have no option than to also contact this man on this same email which is and to my greatest surprise after he has cast the spell for me and he told me to have sex with my husband and i did as he instructed me and to God be the glory at the end of the month i miss my period and i want for hospital for check up again and the doctor said am two weeks pregnant and i was so surprise and all this all came through with the help of Dr OYALO once again contact him or you can also call him on his phone number +2348169240571

  • vodoo spell

    I am Mama Anita specialize in the following. Reuniting Love spell
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    protection spell IF YOU WANT A TRUE SPELL THEN CONTACT MAMA ANITA ( or whatsapp +2349052018289 website

  • Millie Belstock

    I went in search of a solution for my problem when My husband wants to divorce me. we was married for 13 years and we have been through a lot, he has cheated on me before but I forgave him because I love him and moved on but later again he met a girl at work and thinks he is in love with her, so one day he told me he wants a divorce, for me I don't because I still loved him I know this must sound stupid but never wanted him go. I tried to make him see he is making a mistake but everything went wrong, I loved him so much but he refused to change his mind, i waited for him to come his senses but nothing worked so i had to contact a spell caster for help because i knew that will be the best solution, then i contacted to help me to unite i and my lover and finally i came to the spot of getting him back which was awesome, my husband came back home, It felt good to have my lover back, Manifest Spell has a real Magic, his spell is real!!!! Dr,Manifest is excellence.

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