the best holiday for a mum

I’ve always loved the idea of travelling far and wide, leaving home with a backpack and only a whisper of a plan. But the reality? It’s just not me.

There’s so many wonderfully inspiring travel blogs out there, posts on what to pack and the best tips for flying with kids. But I’m going to be frank: a holiday with children isn’t always such a holiday. And as Babs commented on my facebook page last night: “I think your parents’ house is the only real holiday when you have small kids.”

My parents still live in the house I grew up in*. There’s a rambling vegie patch, a gaggle of hens and their babies and shady areas perfect for afternoon ice-block eating. The house is home; comfy chairs, spare beds made with hospital corners and the luxury of air-con. But perhaps most importantly are the open arms that welcome us and take such good care of little ones.

A night at my parent’s house really does feel like a holiday and I’m always grateful for the open door, the beautiful homemade meals and the cups of tea that magically appear beside me while I’m breastfeeding.

In this season of my life, travel and holidays don’t really appeal. No doubt there will be a time sometime soon when we feel like escaping the norm for a while, venturing to new places and exploring with packed lunches but until then, there’s sweet reprieve in sharing the load.

It’s the simplest of family holidays and it should never be underrated.

*fancy a getaway? Mum and Dad’s house is on Airbnb

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  • mon_and_mia

    For my upcoming 35th birthday we were planning a weekend away to celebrate but with finances very tight & a birthday that falls during school holidays making accommodation even more expensive i have decided that a trip to my parents house would be the best option! They have a couple of acres in the Hunter & we'd have our own room & bathroom (nicer than any motel in our limited budget!) and with a bbq breakfast,homegrown vegetables & the offer of babysitting while we explore the area & being able to bring our dog along why would we go anywhere else? I'm also finding the older i get the more i have in common with my parents and i really enjoy their company but don't get to see them as often as I'd like to.

  • Jessica Welsh

    I couldn't agree more, Jodi! My husband is going to be away for a week soon so I'll be staying with my parents and I'm rather looking forward to it because I know during that time I'll find good rest which is basically what we're looking for in a holiday with little ones isn't it.

  • Nic

    That is so true! Either going to my parents place ( it was a 3.5 hour drive without kids, now it takes at least five!) or them visiting here is always a treat. Mum quietly disappears and puts washing on the line, Dad pushes me away from the sink and washes up, they take the toddler for a walk to the playground while I try to help the baby sleep. They're invaluable and I so wish we lived closer to each other

  • Jess

    Yattalunga! I used to live in Saratoga and Green Point 🙂 I grew up there! Such a nice walk down to the water too. I do wish mine or my partners parents had room for us sometimes but both live in small homes with no spare rooms unfortunately. But when we go over for lunch or dinner it's always welcoming and comforting.

  • oscarlucinda

    ….or you can take your parents on holidays with you …. and sneak off for romantic dinners on shuttered verandas, nestled under towering palm trees 😉

    thanks again for your suggestions, jodi x

  • Megan Price

    Your parents place is gorgeous – I just peeked on Air BnB – my best memories of holidays as a child were staying with grandparents and enjoying the privileges they spoiled us with…so in a way maybe holidays to your parents are also some of the best for the kids too 😉

  • Natalie LittleJamPotLife

    I love the comfort I feel when at my Dad's house, and its lovely that my kids feel the same too! x

  • Rebecca Senyard

    I so agree. Going on holiday with kids is hard work and not relaxing at all. My parents live locally, so technically, we couldn't go there for a holiday. But I definitely want to create this type of space for our girls when they grow to be mothers.

  • Elisha Ross

    Too right!! Though living 2 hours away its still a holiday when mum visits us at home…I am very lucky to have my in-laws out at the farm.

  • M

    So right, I just got home from 3days at mums house and am already planning another trip! M x

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