Before we start travelling we had no idea exactly how we would travel but within a few months it was clear – short drive days and staying put for a good 5-7 nights at a time is what we do best.

We had no plans before we landed in Tasmania but not longer after we arrived we felt like we wanted to head to the countryside and, preferably, sit by a river for a while. A few people had suggested we visit the caves at Mole Creek and on further inspection I discovered a little caravan park that looked just right for us.

We weren’t really sure what to expect but this unassuming little town far exceeded our expectations. It’s a quiet place; bordered by paddocks, mountain ranges and forest. And when I say it’s little I mean it’s tiny and quiet and just what you would expect from a country Tassie town. There’s a pub, a convenience store, an information kiosk and an op shop that’s only open Wednesdays 10-1. There’s cottages with picket fences and rambling gardens, falling/fallen down sheds and sheep. Lots of sheep. Cows, too.

Mole Creek Caravan Park is small – about 20-25 sites. There’s the option to have powered or unpowered and there’s toilets, showers, a camp kitchen and a small laundry.

But it’s the location that makes it so memorable; it’s perched in a paddock surrounded by farmland, forest and mountains. The Sassafras River runs through the park; babbling, beautiful and mesmerising and the water is clean and clear and very crisp (it flows straight from the caves further up the mountain). For the five nights we were there it provided endless hours of entertainment as the kids swam, built dams and watched sticks float from one end to the other.

It was one of the highlights of our trip so far; a slow week of river play and mountain views. And it was one of those places that reiterated our decision to travel indefinitely. Because it’s not an easy decision to make, especially when you’re bringing four little ones along for the ride.

Watching our days unfold with free play, thoughtful dam construction, home cooked meals and a bit of exploring was incredibly affirming. And while every travel week isn’t like this, a lot of them are. Of course, they’re peppered with days when everyone is tired and cranky, small space living gets a little cramped, the washing pile starts to take over the bathroom and car/van troubles starts to really get to you.

Personally, I was just happy to be breathing that pure Tassie air – regarded as the cleanest in the world – sip coffee and watch the clouds cling to the mountains.

If you’re planning a visit to Mole Creek here’s a few things you can do while you’re there:

  • buy some local produce at the farm stall on the main road of Chudleigh which is next door to
  • The Honey Farm; a wonderful space with lots of honey to taste and buy. You can watch the bees fly into the hive that’s behind a glass wall in the main shop and we stood there for ages watching them in all their busyness. A warning though; the shelves are brimming with bee-themed breakables so it’s not ideal for inquisitive toddlers
  • You must do a Mole Creek Cave Tour! The Marakoopa Cave has two different tours (you get to see glow worms in both) and you can also visit nearby King Solomon’s Cave. Dress warmly (it’s 9degrees year round) and wear enclosed walking shoes.
  • Earth Water Cafe is about 1km from the caravan park and serves beautiful coffee and food in an established country garden with the most majestic trees.
  • It’s a great base to drive to Cradle Mountain + Mount Roland
  • Deloraine is the closest big town and there’s some quirky shops there as well as a large Woolworths, chemist etc . Make sure you get coffee from Field Rabbit (3 Emu Bay Rd)

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  • Ceridwen

    The photo of the kids in the creek is one of my favourites. It’s stunning and captured childhood explorers. I love it.

  • Alison

    I think particularly in this day & age with technology taking over kids’ lives more and more, the traveling you’re doing as a family and outdoor exploring is the best thing ever. Beautiful time for your kids to just be kids and be immersed in the great outdoors.

  • Daniel smith

    Popped into Field Rabbit the other day had an amazing coffee, cool bikes in there too. Went back and they had closed down the day before!!

  • Teysha

    Hi Jodi, I’ve been following you for years now. Your photographs are always such an inspiration to me. The header image for this post especially is incredible. I’ve been looking around for the answer to my question but so far I can’t find that someone has asked publicly, in several years at least. What camera gear are you using nowadays? The crispness and bokeh in your photographs are making me swoon! I’m a photographer and part of a traveling family myself and I’m looking into new gear. Happy travels!

    • Jodi

      Hi Teysha, thanks so much for your kind words. I currently shoot on a Canon 5d mkiii with a 35mm/2.0 lens x

  • Teysha

    Thank you so very much!

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