take what you need

I’ve always been a bit superstitious, so much so that I don’t ever condone new shoes on tables or open umbrellas inside.

On the flipside, I believe that the universe gives us what we need. Earlier this year when we were without a new home I ventured into the backyard with a list and I called out to the sky and requested floorboards, a garage, in-built wardrobes and big windows. I also asked for a dishwasher but apparently I need to hand wash dishes for the foreseeable future; I’m yet to find the lesson amongst the suds.

Call it new-age hippy talk or yogic philosophy but I’m a firm believer in positive mantras, visualisations and asking for what I need. But taking what I need? That’s new to me and yet it’s come at just the right time.

We had been in Bali for just over a week when I felt confident enough to leave the children with a babysitter. We only ever have the kids babysat by family or very close friends when we’re home so entrusting a babysitter with limited English who we’ve only just met requires a certain amount of letting go.

But I did it and Daniel and I headed off on the scooter to explore Ubud (the only way to see Ubud, if you ask me). In true Bali style it was hot and humid and as we snaked our way through the one-way streets I noticed clouds building overhead. We were there at the start of the wet season which, in the tropics, means glorious, sometimes terrifying downpours. So much rain in so little time!

One of our favourite cafes was calling so we headed to the other side of town, parked the scooter and ventured inside. Just before we climbed the stairs we noticed a sign that asked us to take what we need. And there we stood, contemplating. I didn’t think too hard about it; I knew exactly what I needed. So I reached for courage, tore it away and tucked it into my wallet.

Twenty minutes later the clouds let go and we sat and watched the monsoonal rain; big drops of tropical water that we loud and heavy and dramatic. And the whole time I was thinking of the kids and the fact that we needed to get back to them. On a scooter. On flooded streets. With absolutely no wet weather gear.

Oh, courage.

Daniel ducked across the road and came back with two lime green ponchos and we went on our merry, wet way. Two green frogs on a scooter in the rain; a sight that amused the staff at our villa.

I’m not a courageous person in any sense of the word. In fact, in most cases, I err on the side of caution and fear. It’s something I want to change, too. I’m just a bit sick of being fearful and having said fear hamper my decision making. It doesn’t inspire or motivate and therefore, it’s time to let it go.

But instead of focussing on what I’m letting go of, I’m choosing to think of that little piece of paper, c o u r a g e, and taking what I need.

What do you need?

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  • Nic

    Wise words – I’ve been pondering intentions this morning and considering what I should be focusing on and there it is right there! Courage! Exactly right for me. I’m worn out carrying the weight of fear – 2017 needs to be the year of taking a leap of faith and letting go. Happy New Year.

  • Sarah

    Beautiful post, Jodi.
    I need courage too, and it’s been given to me in just the last few weeks. I’ll be carrying it with me into the new year.

    Speaking of 2017, I wish you and your beautiful family a wonderful new year!
    I always read your posts but rarely comment, I always find your words grounding, gentle and peaceful. Thank-you for your lovely writing.

    Sarah x

  • Sam Stone

    I actually think I might need a bit of courage at the moment, to take some leaps of faith.

  • Kate

    Oh I love this!!
    Courage is not something I need more of. In fact I often find myself looking backwards wondering how.
    I think I’ll take confidence this year. It’s time for me to let go of the self doubt and push myself forward.
    Wishing you and your gorgeous fam the sweetest, juiciest year yet.
    Love x

  • Deb @ inner compass designs

    Beautiful Jodi. I love when words just present themselves in our path. Bon courage! My word is grace and I am looking forward to what it will being foreword for me. Xx

  • Helen K

    I do love this, Jodi, and how you came to chose it too! I’m on a similar track – I’ve chosen trust for this year, to let go and move on from fear. Bring on 2017!

  • rebecca

    I suffer from not being very brave either. I read a book a little while called ‘Big Magic’, and it helped so much. The writer said that she allows fear to come along with her on every ‘trip’ she takes, she just doesn’t let it drive anymore, and she tells that to her fear before she begins anything new! I find the idea of living with fear but not allowing it so much power a lot more attainable than banishing it completely.

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