The spring day lingers in the pools haiku by Issa Found in “today and today”Since Year 4 poetry class I have always loved haiku. The simple rhythm three lines can create. No rhyme, [...]
Today we were so fortunate to attend the Naming Day of Priya Shanti (in Sanskrit her name means Beloved, Peace). She was welcomed to this world by her parents as they blessed her with the four [...]
If you watch this little orange guy you will notice that he is practicing a series of yoga asanas (postures). This series is called a sun salutation (surya namaskara) or “salute to the [...]
Irrespective of religion, tradition, belief or lifestyle I think this mantra will resonate with you. serve love give purify meditate realise do good be goodthe eightfold path of Swami [...]
Many yogis follow the spiritual teachings of a guru. Many gurus honour and respect the presence of the teachers that have come before themselves. Our first teacher is our Mother. Our second [...]
On the eve of Spring a few things come to mind…sunshine, blooms, Spring cleaning. A chance to declutter, detox and simplify while basking in the warmth I have so missed this winter. I see [...]
I started this blog to make sure traveling friends and overseas family could watch Ché grow. And then I found that while I was out walking or wandering around Woolworths I was thinking of photos [...]
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