I first met Adrienne about 7 years ago when she was 36weeks pregnant with her twin boys. She came into the bookstore I was working in, looking for a novel that required little concentration. We [...]
I’m fast learning that just because it’s wet outside it doesn’t mean we have to stay in. I read somewhere recently that there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. [...]
We’ve been cooped up at home with a cold. All three of us are snuffly and coughing and generally miserable. Although it’s very autumny and crisp the sun is still bright and welcoming [...]
Ever since Anna attended one of my birth workshops with her hubbie and full-belly in tow, we have enjoyed a constant conversation over email. Last week I sent her a quick reply and two of the [...]
Thanks for all your kind well-wishes. Daniel is all better and now I’ve come down with a sniffle and a sore throat. I’m not the best in stressful situations – I lose my appetite [...]
White space, bedroom space There’s a post over at Camp Creek Blog about the ‘white space’ on a page. The blank bits, the nothingness between words, paragraphs, thoughts. It [...]
My life has been these past few weeks. Chaotic in a mind-frazzling way. Because I’ve felt a bit of weight on my shoulders from the deadline and my ears have been getting tired at the sounds [...]
Gratitude today for you dear reader…on my last ‘official’ day of gratitude. 30 days of noticing the little things that make me happy. Without being all gushy, lovey and goo-gaa, [...]
The spring day lingers in the pools haiku by Issa Found in “today and today”Since Year 4 poetry class I have always loved haiku. The simple rhythm three lines can create. No rhyme, [...]
When I began thinking about gratitude and the way it can change perspectives I planned to post once a day in September. Hence 30 days of gratitude. But September was so busy – we were sick, [...]
Yesterday was a firm reminder of how hot our summers can be. It was sticky and humid and very very warm for September. I spent the day resting and feeding Che – he had a fever and just [...]
For the first time since becoming a mum I am craving space. A little room to breathe, to move, to spend a few hours with friends, to look at myself in the mirror and not see mashed banana or [...]
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