A phone conversation with my mum when Poet was about 6 weeks old: Mum: “How are you?” Me: “Good thanks Mum.” Mum: How are the kids?” Me: “What kids?” [...]
We are self-confessed homebodies. We love being at home, pottering about, moseying from one thing to the next. Daniel and I both work from home too and we count ourselves incredibly lucky that we [...]
Meet Tim – the man behind the lens. This is how he works; effortlessly juggling cameras while kids play at his feet. He’s unperturbed by the fact that he’s being filmed because [...]
Tim emailed me last night with a link to the slideshow he had made. Daniel and I watched it – silent. And then I phoned Tim and burst into tears. Truly, I sobbed on the phone to him. [...]
Yep, Tim came over for pancakes and then we headed to the beach and that blue wall. He came to capture the sequel – the Poet that once was the belly. This is the preview, or, as I like to [...]
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