Ingredients include: the 3 of us. And a quad bike complete with Tip Top Bread crate for carrying supplies. Passengers must ignore the WARNING sign that clearly states: “You should not ride [...]
Last week I decided to give up coffee. I’ve never been addicted to anything but I think I was becoming addicted to the ritual of a cappuccino each day. I would really look forward to the [...]
also fun to cut out and use on birthday cards….(the pictures, not the tea) clipper organic tea is my new favourite. i judge my tea by its packet and its taste. both are beautiful and make [...]
Gratitude today for ‘green, jasmine & pear tea’, a decadent concoction from the very lovely Madame Flavour. My mum found the ‘sultry chai’ blend in the supermarket and [...]
A while back Che decided that he wanted to snooze in our bed, snug between us all through the night. He was unsettled in his cot and I was exhausted from getting up to him. So for a few months he [...]
Tea cannisters found at a garage sale down the street. The perfect accompaniment to my teacups and teapots. Yes, I love tea. Picked up an Indian kaftan too. It smells like chai.
Thank you for visiting. You can now buy me a coffee!