Sometimes the ritual of washing my feet – washing away the day, cleansing, renewing – is the most beautiful part of my day. Before Ché’s day-sleep I sit him on the side of the [...]
Two balloons can help create hours of imaginative play. See Kyrie’s inspiring un-toys list here. The response to my last post on pregnancy loss has been amazing. To those of you that have [...]
The humidity has been high for a few weeks now. Everyone is a little weary and a little over being sweaty and sticky. As Ché would say: “Yuk Mum.” Yes, yuk. It’s so humid that [...]
I’m sipping mint water and working on an exciting project that involves so many beautiful women that I know. It’s exciting, to be organising something I’m really passionate [...]
Ready to party for ommi’s birthday we lit sandalwood incense to keep the mozzies at bay…and then we indulged in baked ricotta, special cheeses, roast lemon and garlic chicken, [...]
Dressing up in dada’s clothes (hippie headband looks good on both my boys). growing up too fast. halfway through summer already. enjoying the daze and reminding myself when I complain of [...]
So relaxed i am. after a few days of rain over christmas… hence plenty of nana naps and long stints reading new books i have lost count of the days. and i’m about to lose count all [...]
Trying to get a ‘good’ family Christmas photo. But did you know that toddlers wriggle? Alot. Then the batteries died. And so this is the best outtake. Which is the only appropriate [...]
crinkled summer dresses and a grey day outside. perhaps a little how i feel. trying not to get overwhelmed by the Christmas frenzy. trying to stay grounded and calm and be grateful for what we [...]
After days of sticky heat I’m relishing the grey and the wet – the beautiful fresh smell of rain is breezing through the window. A different kind of wet on the weekend though – [...]
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