a new perspective

It feels like only yesterday that I lay in bed with my new baby, cuddled up in the warmth while the rain fell down for an entire week. But no, it was almost five months ago. Poet is pure joy. She [...]

brown paper packages

…are best when they’re tied with up with string (go on, sing it, I know you want to). The parcel delivery man has been on our doorstep rather frequently of late as I get all the [...]

tiny dancer

Poet attended her first wedding on Saturday night. The verdict? She likes to party. Seriously party. She even thought she was important enough to hang out at the bridal table for a while there, [...]

baby love

Yesterday I woke up to little feet tapping on my lower back. When I rolled over to greet the little miss she squealed with delight and gooed and gaahed till we decided it was breakfast time. [...]


Pirate Che on his unmade bed/turbulent sea attended his second party of the week which confirms that he’s got a better social life than his parents. Poet has just become a bit of a [...]

we’ve got kids

A phone conversation with my mum when Poet was about 6 weeks old: Mum: “How are you?” Me: “Good thanks Mum.” Mum: How are the kids?” Me: “What kids?” [...]


In the hours after her birth, when I was flying oh so high on those hormones, I couldn’t quite believe that I had been blessed with a daughter. And while most of the time I was thinking [...]