Story time: “There’s Going to be a Baby” by John Burningham & Helen Oxenbury. Che: “Mum, can I tell you a question?” Me: Sure. Che: “How did the baby get [...]
28, almost 29 weeks. Buba pressed one whole foot into my hand last night – the connection was precious. Apart from slight pregnancy insomnia I’m still feeling vitalised and generally [...]
…goes the clock and the pen. This week I’ve managed to get the carpets and the ceilings cleaned. Daniel and I embarked on a pilgrimage to Ikea where we managed to shop, eat and pay [...]
On Sunday, in luminous autumn sunshine, we ventured north to the lighthouse and explored the rock pools. Che threw rocks into the water for a while, then hitched up his pants and paddled before [...]
25 weeks pregnant and 27 years old. My Mum and Dad hosted a little birthday party for me complete with balloons and a hearty meal of roast beef and Yorkshire puddings (in celebration of my birth [...]
One morning a week while Che is at Montessori, Daniel and I go on a date. We don’t spend a lot of money or venture far and wide. We stay close to home, explore new-to-us pockets of places [...]
this autumn there have been paper wrapped pears and sunny afternoons imbued with inspiring reads. I have been tapping away at the keyboard for days on end, grateful for the incredible support of [...]
On the first day of autumn Daniel and I ventured to the deciduous trees in hope of a few golden leaves and a hint of cool in the air. Green thick foliage and a hot wind welcomed us instead. But [...]
Yes Che, I am your Mother. He loves books, it must be in the genes. His bookshelf is literally overflowing, It may have something to do with my slight obsession with children’s books and [...]
“Your spirit as a woman has all the knowledge and power you need to give birth and to nurture your baby. It is in your genes. It has been there since you yourself were conceived. You can [...]
Photo by Daniel, taken on the GF1. Thanks my love. Staying cool in my sixties summer see-through shift. We’re into the second day of a hot, hot, hot week. Ice water and fans are close by [...]
Thanks so much for all your lovely comments about the bump. I’m loving this belly of mine and since reaching the second trimester my energy has come bounding back with a sweet vengeance. [...]
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