…we wandered up to the local school where, miraculously, Che transformed into a sweet little skeleton and Daniel stole the bike. Poet watched happily from her little red caboose and I [...]
We’re in the throes of moving the entire house around. It feels like we’re moving house – without the boxes and without the truck. There’s just a whole lot of junk [...]
I choose you! Checks and Spots awarded me a Kreative Blog Award (about 6 weeks ago) and I’m only just getting around to my half of the deal – write seven things about myself. So, here [...]
When did your obsession begin? At the moment we have to turn our head when a bus, truck, tractor and, most definitely, a fire engine passes us by. He loves the zoom zoom, clunk, clunk, [...]
I’m writing in short sentences. like stream of consciousness. because i’ve got the flu. and my head isn’t working. che now knows what tissues are for. so even though i’m [...]
…with peek-a-boo, fruit bowl antics and the bliss of autumn sunshine. That last pic is my shadow and my dad’s new shed. He made it out of recycled materials. My favourite part is the [...]
Doing nothing. After a busy and joyous Christmas we have spent our days just lazing about. Which only makes me realise how important it is to be still and quiet for a while – because it [...]
…translation (hello, hello). New phones, old phones, vintage phones, mobile phones. Give my little one some buttons and he’s happy. His little index finger pushes each individual [...]
He helps unpack the shopping, taking bites from the fresh fruit & veg as he goes. This makes me happy. Very happy. Cherries. Ripe, red cherries. Christmas indulgence. $6 for 1kg of yummy [...]
Remember when you had a newborn and you found it hard to imagine that little bundle as a moving, giggling, wriggling, social little creature? You were so stuck in the awe of new parenthood that [...]
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