One little thing always leads to another in this online world. And although I’m not a huge fan of technology I am grateful for the connection and the inspiration that can be discovered. [...]
Amongst all the grief and sadness there are little bits of hope. Like Sam, found by a CFA member, in desperate need of water. She drank 3 bottles…and has since fallen in love with a koala [...]
Tag. I’m it. Lovely Fliss from udder tagged me to play. The rules? “Open the 6th picture folder on your computer, open the 6th photo and blog it. Write something about it. Then tag 6 [...]
I think I’ve realised how fun a one-year-old can be. How interested and engaged and excited my little boy is. Giddy in Spring sunshine we played and went exploring. He’s so content to [...]
I found these gorgeous little pillows and I decided that I must have them…soft little reminders that simplicity is definitely beautiful. Shanna Murray transfers her lovely sketches onto [...]
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