Very slowly, room-by-room I have Spring cleaned. I have aired and decluttered each space, packed winter clothes away and organised a council pick-up. I was expecting a lady in a green beret to [...]
I found these gorgeous little pillows and I decided that I must have them…soft little reminders that simplicity is definitely beautiful. Shanna Murray transfers her lovely sketches onto [...]
Oh spring is beginning to bloom in little corners of our world. In neighbour’s yards and friend’s gardens. These pink camellias made my day as did the conversation with the beautiful [...]
My lovely round dining table sits in the small space between the kitchen and the lounge room. And this is the view I gaze at while I eat breakfast, enjoy a cup of tea, play on the computer. Yes, [...]
Today we went walking on our street. It was a bright day and we strolled along enjoying the wind and the sunshine. There were many times I would drive along our street and hope to one day live [...]
Before Daniel and I became parents we didn’t really understand the co-sleeping thing. How could a parent possibly get any sleep if a wriggling little child, arms outstretched, gently [...]
Different shades of orange coloured my day…this rainy winters day. Mandarins from the local farm, vintage linen from the op shop, pumpkin soup for lunch and a cute little munchkin caught in [...]
I think it’s wonderful that our kitchen has a hot pink pin board on the wall. Daniel created this beautiful collage last week…including pictures of me 12, 34, 40 weeks pregnant, [...]
Look at Chéby sitting up so nicely and leaning towards me, ready to share birthday kisses. He has been a little bit of a monster the last few days. Everyone told me that his sleep patterns may [...]
I had some fresh coriander sitting lonesome in a vase on the windowsill today so I thought it would be best to cook a yummy tikka masala for dinner – sprinkled with coriander and yogurt, [...]
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