The beautiful Charlotte Rivers from Lottie Loves has posted a little feature on my home today. Enjoy a sneak peek into my abode… Daniel slammed down the brakes of the car a few weeks ago [...]
It’s all coming together and it’s been so much fun. Starting with a blank canvas was a little overwhelming so I used Poet’s quilt as a guide. I also reminded myself that just [...]
I’m on the tail end of the housekeeping. Thank goodness! Che moved into the office, Poet’s things are in Che’s old room (she still sleeps in our bed) and the office moved [...]
I’m on the tail end of the housekeeping which means the fun is about to start. Poet’s room! The walls have been cleaned, there’s a new white blind and she’s been given her [...]
We’re in the throes of moving the entire house around. It feels like we’re moving house – without the boxes and without the truck. There’s just a whole lot of junk [...]
I found the carpet in Che’s room today and Poet looked on as I fumbled my way through paper/sticky tape creations, books and toys. I stopped for a few moments here and there to watch her [...]
I always envisioned a little dark-haired, bright-eyed girl that would be Poet. And now she’s here. When a little gift arrived from Claire earlier this week I knew, in my heart, that [...]
In the hours after her birth, when I was flying oh so high on those hormones, I couldn’t quite believe that I had been blessed with a daughter. And while most of the time I was thinking [...]
Poet is nine weeks today. Yesterday I packed away the 0000s. Today she is cooing and ahhing and smiling and sighing. She’s far cuter than the creature that decided to share our home this [...]
We are self-confessed homebodies. We love being at home, pottering about, moseying from one thing to the next. Daniel and I both work from home too and we count ourselves incredibly lucky that we [...]
Tim emailed me last night with a link to the slideshow he had made. Daniel and I watched it – silent. And then I phoned Tim and burst into tears. Truly, I sobbed on the phone to him. [...]
…is still waiting for the bambino. This is probably incredibly boring news for most of you. But, from my perspective, I’m grateful the bun is still in the oven. That cold I mentioned [...]
Thank you for visiting. You can now buy me a coffee!