At least once a fortnight we go to our favourite local cafe and indulge in a few hours of bliss. Bamboo Buddha is my idea of a perfect cafe – wholesome vegetarian food, organic coffee, [...]
At playgroup this morning all of us mums were commenting on the sense of urgency that seems to be creeping into out lives right now. We’re all feeling the rush of festivities a little early [...]
There’s a new op shop in our street and it belongs to the (new) local church (there are four churches on our road so we always joke that we live in Holy Land). I like church op shops. [...]
Perhaps many of my wishes have come true in the form of a new cafe at the end of the road. A cafe/book exchange with good coffee and wholesome food. Beautifully decorated. Jam, teapots and [...]
Thank you for visiting. You can now buy me a coffee!