far cuter than

Poet is nine weeks today. Yesterday I packed away the 0000s. Today she is cooing and ahhing and smiling and sighing. She’s far cuter than the creature that decided to share our home this [...]


When I arrived home from the birth centre with Poet, I honestly thought that Che looked gigantic. I questioned whether he had had a growth spurt in the eight or so hours since I was gone. Sure my [...]

you’re home now

In the newborn haze where you’re sleep deprived, blissfully happy and unable to comprehend the simplest of questions, days melt into one another and before you know it another week has come [...]

“thinking of you”

To all of you who have left comments or sent emails wishing me a safe and beautiful birth – thank you. It means so much to receive such sweet gestures from across the lands and over the [...]


Apparently the excitement of an imminent birth is tiring for little people. Especially the soon-to-be big brother who is being oh so kind, caring and cuddly with his muma. Last night in the soft [...]

I have twenty teeth

I’ll admit that I was suffering from motherguilt because I had never taken Che to the dentist. Motherguilt has incredible power; it makes me ponder my choices, it keeps me on my toes. [...]

“c’mon” he says

While I rested, they walked. “Exploring,” they call it. Che in his very new Mama-knitted vest. Daniel with his new fancy lens and Glidecam. Beautiful autumn bokeh.

to the lighthouse

On Sunday, in luminous autumn sunshine, we ventured north to the lighthouse and explored the rock pools. Che threw rocks into the water for a while, then hitched up his pants and paddled before [...]

are you my mother?

Yes Che, I am your Mother. He loves books, it must be in the genes. His bookshelf is literally overflowing, It may have something to do with my slight obsession with children’s books and [...]

first day

I cried when I was packing his morning tea and marking his name on his lunch box and hat but I managed to smile when he kissed Daniel and I good bye. He tried to give us a hug at the same time [...]

che che turns 3

Last night I told Che that three years ago I had pains in my belly and I knew he was coming. Daniel told him I was making noises like: “oohhh, ooohhhh, ooohhh”. When we had family and [...]