There have been two days of sunshine in the last fortnight. The rain is refusing to leave – the ground is soggy, the leaves all squelchy and the bright lush green of moss can be seen [...]
Being one of those ethereal types – a wanderer, a dreamer…constantly lifting lifting towards the sky, I find meditation a challenge. My mind is never still, it is never slowing. One [...]
There is a mulberry tree in the same garden…we’re planning a picnic under its branches in January. Today we were happy with these pink blooms and the bright bright sunshine. Happy [...]
It is a common fact that a baby’s breath is so sweet. Che doesn’t smell like a newborn anymore but when he is sleeping I often snuggle up beside him and hold him close so I can listen [...]
So I ventured across the road to the old farmhouse, the oldest house on this street. Before I reached the gate I saw an elderly woman sitting on the verandah, looking dreamy and contemplative. I [...]
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