I am proudly a stay-at-home-muma. And i am grateful…I feel lucky. So lucky that I can stay with my baby and watch him closely everyday. I feel blessed that I get to witness the intense [...]
We live in a beautiful part of the world. And for that I am grateful. Today we could smell the salt from the sea and feel the warmth of the sun heralding the onset of Spring. Lots of things to [...]
Is it possible to be grateful for the nature strip? That bit of grass between someone’s house and the street? Yes, I think it is. And today I am bursting with gratitude. Because my lovely [...]
It’s difficult to feel grateful when a tummy bug invades your home. That awful kind of bug that starts on the baby, then travels to the Daddy and eventually to the Mummy. And just as Bub is [...]
“September’s child is a faithful friend, like the shore that waits at the journey’s end. You are sure of yourself as you strive toward your goal. You inspire us with your loyal [...]
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