Gratitude today for you dear reader…on my last ‘official’ day of gratitude. 30 days of noticing the little things that make me happy. Without being all gushy, lovey and goo-gaa, [...]
I know there has been a lot of similar photos to this one – taken as Che crawls away from me, towards the water. It’s just what’s been happening lately. I put him down on the [...]
Remember when you had a newborn and you found it hard to imagine that little bundle as a moving, giggling, wriggling, social little creature? You were so stuck in the awe of new parenthood that [...]
Gratitude today for ‘green, jasmine & pear tea’, a decadent concoction from the very lovely Madame Flavour. My mum found the ‘sultry chai’ blend in the supermarket and [...]
It’s hot, humid and sticky and the perfect day for lounging around on the day bed. Perhaps a little bit of beach time and some mango time too. Che is proving to be a determined and [...]
Snapshot taken this afternoon after one-year-old immunisations. He screamed, yes, there were tears, yes and then he clapped his hands and waved goodbye which had the nurse ooohhing and aaahing [...]
Being one of those ethereal types – a wanderer, a dreamer…constantly lifting lifting towards the sky, I find meditation a challenge. My mind is never still, it is never slowing. One [...]
There is a mulberry tree in the same garden…we’re planning a picnic under its branches in January. Today we were happy with these pink blooms and the bright bright sunshine. Happy [...]
My first car – a 1978 Triumph. Total cost: $200. A mint green beauty with a big engine and a big heart. She was so great to drive, purring along – no radio, no air-con…just [...]
Very slowly, room-by-room I have Spring cleaned. I have aired and decluttered each space, packed winter clothes away and organised a council pick-up. I was expecting a lady in a green beret to [...]
Gratitude today for the colour and light of Spring – so vivid, so bright. We love reading Spring is Here … it’s so nice to look at the beautiful pictures and watch the seasons [...]
Thank you for visiting. You can now buy me a coffee!