sunday (without the sun)

Today the rain was persistent and much like the clouds, my mood didn’t lift. I’ve got a looming editorial deadline which means the next few weeks will be spent at the computer, tapping away. Aside from this I had one of those days where I wished I could re-do the entire house. No amount of cleaning or rearranging left me satisfied. Blah!

My nesting eye has stepped up a notch this week too; dusty skirting boards are on my to-do list. I realise it sounds so utterly pathetic but the primal need to clean is getting more intense as this pregnancy goes on. Daniel is a little scared about what I might be like the week before baby is due to arrive. To tell you the truth, so am I.

Today I really felt like diving into Che’s imaginary solar system or perhaps the pastels hues of lisianthus. Tomorrow I hope I wake a little lighter. I’m off to drink tea and read my new book. A remedy if ever I knew one.
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  • The Beetle Shack

    don't even get me started on this weekend. you put it eloquently, i just cuss.

  • Kate

    I love that solar system painting. And I'm jealous of your nesting urge to clean. That particular pregnancy side effect never hit me. Oh to have clean skirting boards. x

  • kristi

    i'm with ya on the re-do train. tonight i'm finally going to sit with my copy of keepsakes…thanks sweet lady. x.

  • tea with lucy

    i cleaned like a woman possessed ALL day. then watched it all be undone in the space of about half an hour…

  • Maggie May

    totally. all of it.

  • Lizeylou

    All of this so reminds me of my pregnancies. Hope the cup of tea and reading helped!

  • Rhiannon

    As much as the nesting aspect of pregnancy drives many crazy, I look forward to being pregnant again, and feeling it. Dont get me wrong, my house is clean, but pregnancy made it sparkle!
    I hope you feel brighter today,
    Rhi xx

  • Mama of 2 boys

    Hi Jodi, thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving some words of support on my post. Every comment adds a little more comfort to the massive change I'm about to embark on… the kind of change that I think about as soon as I wake up each morning :o( But yes, supportive employers are magnificent.
    So glad I have found your blog too, it's a beautiful space and I look forward to following the story from now on. Best of luck with the impending birth of number 2 bubs. Very exciting times xo

  • thewindhover

    what a beautiful lovely blog Jodi, and a good way to spend an overcast day. Hope you start feeling a bit brighter… I wish I could give you some of my France sunshine.

    p.s. I love the tablecloth beneath those fresh flowers, I have one just like it 🙂

  • oscarlucinda

    Hope the cuppa and a good read worked wonders.

  • Ella

    sending you big love and hugs and the cleaning/nesting fairies too!

  • emma

    I know where you're coming from…I have lots of those days! Hang in there, it will pass, and you'll forget about those dusty skirting boards. I just added that book to my wishlist, it sounds very inspiring. xx

  • one claire day

    I hope your journey through pastel lizzies and painterly planets lifted your spirits… Today is a new day…

    x claire

  • dear olive

    Oh lady, hope your mood lifted. You're amazing. Kellie xx

  • superhappyjohi

    Hey Jodi, hope you feel better! Thanks for the book reccomendation – I will definitely check it out!

  • Catherine

    Che painting is beautiful. I love the way children paint and draw uninhibited.Thank you for the food website referral too. The internet is a great source of recipes. I hope that the week ahead brings happier weather, winter has surely arrived and it's so cold. xo

  • superhappyjohi

    Hey Jodi! Thank You for this book tip! I will definitely check it out!

  • Catherine

    Sunday with out the sun is no good at all. I know the feeling exactly about wanting to re-do the house completely I have that feeling on a regular basis : )
    I hope you are all doing well, you must be feeling so excited x

  • Stephanie

    The painting is so special!

    Have a great day!
    – Stephanie

  • lovemaki

    oh the nesting days when i was pregnant and the need to do things! i had enlisted my friends to paint my room white:)

    what a beautiful painting by your child, btw:)


  • sascedar

    Ha! Too funny…I threw out half of my wardrobe in my last week of pregnancy. Now I have a choice of maternity clothes, suits that are too big or evening gowns.

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