summer : rhythm
Six weeks ago we fell into a beautiful summer rhythm and I don’t want to let it go.
It began one morning in mid-December. I got up early with Poet and she stayed by my side as I boiled the kettle and squeezed lemon juice into water. Before long Che was in the kitchen too, inspecting the pantry and begging for pancakes. I looked at my desk with its piles of books, open diary and to-do lists; the scribbles illegible. There were emails that needed my attention and a deadline fast approaching but in that moment I was more aware of the children at my feet and the sun warming the house.
“I think we’ll go to the beach this morning,” – an hour later we were swimming in the salty sea.
We have taken the short drive to the beach at least three times a week this summer. Daniel and I have mastered the beach preparation regime – towel/umbrella/sunscreen/hats/snacks and I have congratulated myself more than once on the purchase of a big French market basket; the ideal beach bag. I have sipped coffee while dipping my feet in the water, watched Che overcome his fear of the deep and shrieked more than once at Poet; the little girl who tumbles with the waves.
The ocean has been my therapy this season; it has calmed me from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. Many a morning I have swum weightless and looked back towards the shore, so grateful for the little family calling me in.
This summer will be remembered for our beach jaunts – a very contended mum and dad with our happy, sandy children.
How has your summer been? And if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, what part of summer are you most looking forward to?
Poet wears Luna’s Swimmers c/o Udder…currently on sale! There’s 40% off the entire make-believe collection (including accessories) with the code: summersale.
summer : a seasonal series
Oh it sounds heavenly Jodi, warmth, sea, happy children! I am so glad you have had a rested summer, ready for the start if school! Natalie xx
can't get enough of your beach photos, they are like a fresh air breath for me, thanks!
i have felt the peace and contentment through your beach posts as well. not to mention, they're all stunning (like that first shot of poet above!) and have me daydreaming constantly and wishing our warmer summer days were here at last.
What a wonderful rhythm. That little routine is exactly what I look forward to… this past late summer/early fall we always made the trip right before dinner. It pushed bedtime back but it was such an amazing way to finish the day's activities. We are so cooped up these days…spring and summer and can't come soon enough!
Gorgeous. We are still mid winter here and these photographs warm my heart with their much needed sunshine. Enjoy the summer with your beautiful family!
Lovely 🙂 We are definitely looking forward to beach-time this summer. We're still in the throes of the cold/flu season here and my son said last week (while he was sick) that he "would feel better if we could just go to the beach." I have to admit, I felt the same way, but definitely don't want to go there while it's cold!
French basket for a beach bag… genius! our summer has been fantastic, so many memories created like you. thanks for sharing your beautiful photos! x
i want to live in your pictures. or at least vacation in them.
your rhythm is enchanting.
Oh these images make me so look forward to to warmth of summer to come!
Just lovely!
Oh I can't wait to feel the warmth on my skin. We had an early dinner with some of our favourite people on Sunday, 3 other mamas and 3 other papas plus 3 other babies that we've come to call another little family over the last year, and we were making plans for summer – all day picnics at the park; daytrips to the beach in Dorset and possibly a camping adventure. We can't wait 🙂 beautiful pictures and words as always sweet Jodi xx
I feel so blessed to be looking at these pictures, knowing how you must be savoring every last bit of your summer out there in the southern hemisphere. Through your pictures I can feel my own body weightless in the ocean, releasing the stresses of an everyday mama. I can feel the tiny ache in your heart as you prepare Che (& yourself as well) to get ready for the newest chapter of School. I remember when my E was going off to Kindergarten and how anxious I felt about his transition. First week it went well. Then the second week he had tears. Then he was fine. It was certainly a HUGE shift for me. Now he is in 7th grade. My middle is in 3rd. My youngest is now in 1st grade and it is just as tender and bittersweet to see them off at the start of the school year. Here, though we live in southern california, it is winter and I just returned from chaperoning my son's class field trip to Yosemite National Park(which is high in the Northern California mountains). With the loss of my mother so recently and my boys growing up so rapidly is was a different sort of release for me. Physical and spiritual. I took so many photos, so very many photos, for it is impossible to relay the majesty there through words alone. The only thing I could do is write about my journey and add the pictures to tell the story…. I feel lucky to have stumbled upon your blog. Its inspirational & magical to see. I am lucky indeed.
Oh! I miss summer so much.Here in Portugal it's winter.Love your blog.
Kiss from Algarve 😉
The part where it doesn't rain…(sigh, England, I do so love you, just not your weather)…
The ocean has always been my therapy – especially on a warm sunny day! I'm way over here in California where our days have been gray and cold (according to Californians that is) The weather I'm most looking forward to happens in March/April around here. Warm, sunshiny, lots of playing outdoors, park days, walks, ice cream….. can't wait.
I love the sound of your summer routine. It sounds like that would suit me just fine!
Lovely photos. This post has me craving beach time with my loved ones, 🙂
That rhythm sounds heavenly to me. I am afraid of the water but ironically, my dream is to live by the sea. It calms me and I feel so renewed everytime I am there.
Your family is lovely and I love reading your stories…so so happy to have found you. 🙂
Hope all your days are just as peaceful ~
So lovely to read and see your summer after a dreary, rainy day in the UK. I'm looking forward to picnics with my little babe, dipping my toes in the sea and feeling the warmth of the sun on my face. Ahhhh… x
I love this Jodi. I am so not a beach baby though, I'm that annoying person that doesn't like the sand and salt. I've tried, really I have, but I grew up swimming in freshwater dams and creeks. The big blue is an untamed beast to me! Perhaps one day when I have children we will live by the seaside and have summers such as yours, and I'd be fine with that, really. 🙂
Sounds like you've had an ideal summer 🙂 I live just down the way in Sydney. I don't live as close to the beach as I'd like, so we've been visiting only once a week, or so. I have two little boys – the eldest is two and a half and while he loves the idea of the water, he's not always so keen to be in it (he also hasn't grown out of eating great gobfuls of sand)! The youngest is only 5 months so the ocean really isn't his thing yet! I'm looking forward to summers ahead when our experience of the beach may be closer to yours 😉 I adore being in the water and have, strangely, found myself missing it this summer.
I'll be thinking of you this week as you send Che to school. May the force be with you all.
Summer time! Ahh, such a wonderful season. You really write so beautifully. It painted a lovely picture in my head. Thank you. 🙂
We are doing the same here, only we're lucky enough to be able to walk to our beach. Oh summer, please don't ever end.
Beautiful pictures as always, Jodi. Nice towels 😉
I'm envious of your summer fun! I'm looking forward to the warmer days ahead : )
I mostly look forward to more picnics and outdoor gatherings come Summer, also to more energy, and comfortable clothing. Wonderful photographs. We live about two hours from the ocean here, but it's a bit too cold to swim in ever, it's still quite beautiful, especially in Summer and thankfully we live on the Puget Sound on the Peninsula so there is still that nice salt air.
Hi Jodi, I know you love a beautiful children's picture book and your comment about Che overcoming his fear of the deep reminded me of a beautiful book I bought for River a couple of years ago, it is called The Deep and it is written by Tim Winton. If you don't know it it is well worth seeking out. And as for summer being close to fading I say a big Ho Hum. How I wish it were endless! xx
Hi Nikki
I'm a fan of Tim Winton and the book looks lovely.
Thanks for the tip!
Oh I would also add to The Deep, the old classic 'There's a Sea in My Bedroom' which is just delicious.
I love a good book recommendation, or two! We've been reading "Magic Beach" by Alison Lester – stunning! x
summer time is basically all year round here in miami florida. right now it is supposedly winter here in the states so i am taking a break from summer activities. however, early morning and late afternoon are my favorite beach times. lovely post
there's something magical about the salt water and the sea air. that's for sure.
rachel xo
Just lovely.. We will a very short drive or walk to the beach too and have been there so much over this summer. The kids love it and that makes for very happy relaxed parents xx
There's nothing like starting off the day with a dip in the salt water and returning home with sand between your toes 🙂 Your summer time ritual sounds splendid. We've been making an early morning trip to the river most mornings too where we've claimed a shady spot right beside the waters edge in a calm, protected bay.
Oh, it's been absolutely WONDERFUL! Thanks for asking.
Six weeks of saying YES! I watched the plants grow, my kids grow, and our new puppy grow. The kids followed the season, played until the light ran out, ate dinner late, and were just free to be. I loved every minute of it. Full of days of making it up as we went along.
Today, it was back to school and work. The walk home from school was refreshing, and afternoon tea was full of stories about their first day back. For my eldest son, it was the first day of the last year of primary school.
Sounds so lovely 🙂
A big French market basket, I like it. What a good idea!
There is something magical about that fresh salty air that does wonders at calming ones spirit.
We lived a few minutes from the beach and it's become our second home regardless of the season. I don't think I would be truly content not having access to the coast.
Oh I hear the beach beckon also. The sound of the waves lapping and the cool blue water will permeate my memories of this summer once it has passed…
Now to squeeze in as many trips as possible before it does!
Oh please can we come and live at your house?
Our summer has been about picnics and parks and lots of zoo trips. Alas the sea is not like your sea here in Melbourne!
Thankfully our next summer will be all about chasing the sun and sand in our vintage Airstream.
Thanks for sharing such beautiful photos.
Your summer rhythm sounds lovely and very restorative. A beautiful way to spend your last summer with Che before he starts school. Best wishes for the impending day … Ally