summer : in brooklyn

photos by luisa brimble
Brooklyn is a little fishing town just north of Sydney, well-known for its oyster farms and river views. Whilst the marina, the local pub, the second-hand bookstore, and gallery/cafe lure tourists on the weekend, this pretty village is quiet during the week; the ideal time to visit.
I’ve always thought of places like Brooklyn as perfect fodder for a story. Perhaps its the history, wrapped up in fishing nets and salt air, or the dynamics inherent in a small community where gossip runs rife. Dangar Island is just across the river; accessible only by boat it is inhabited by artists and recluses (and normal folk too). We plan to escape there sometime soon, to stay in a little cottage for a week or so (I’ll be taking notes).
Brooklyn is an easy drive from Sydney or, if you want to plan a little adventure, you can catch the train to Hawkesbury River. There’s a great park for the kids just past the marina; a good hour or two worth of play.
For good coffee in a beautiful gallery space pop into Hang – Nicole Ruiz Gallery. If you fancy a seafood lunch discover Life Boat Seafood’s leafy courtyard, located right next to the marina.
I’ve been reading the newest release from my very favourite writer, Lily Brett. If you have never read any of her work I would recommend starting with her collections of essays – all absolutely superb – New York, Between Mexico and Poland and In Full View (sometimes hard to find as new publications, try your library or second hand bookstores). Her best fiction works, in my opinion, are Just Like That and the brand new Lola Bensky.
I adore Lily’s sense of humour, her writing style and, most of all, the blur between her autobiographical work and her novels. She still writes with a pencil on paper…and has a fabulous way with words:
“She put the words into sentences and phrases with a peacefulness she rarely felt. She shifted semicolons and quotation marks with the tranquility of a Zen priest. There was a gratifying orderliness about reordering worlds and words. About placing and replacing vows, vowels and events.”
I’m wearing: hat by Gorman (last season), vintage top, brigitte balloon skirt c/o KissinCussin, fine heart ring in gold by babyanything, bella bag c/o elf, (10% off with code FIDEL) sasha shoes c/o elf (10% off with code FIDEL), mandala beads and bracelets from around and about. Poet wears top by kidsagogo, bloomers c/o udder and sandals c/o saltwater sandals.
I’ll be creating a little feature just like this one every season. Next up? Autumn in Surry Hills (expect a cafe review, or three).
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Showing 67 comments
  • Meg O

    Lovely idea! And beautiful images, as per usual.
    Will be hunting down some of Lily Brett's work… Thank you for the recommendation.

  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    GASP- babe. I'll be popping up to borrow that skirt, it's elastic waisted right? 😉

    xo em

    • Luisa Brimble

      ha ha ha i said the same thing to Jodes when I saw her skirt. I wish was tall enough though :)))))

  • aluminiumgirl

    Love the new banner. Very native.

  • Katie and Reuben

    Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! I often wondered about Brooklyn while we were living in Sydney, but for some reason never made it there for a visit. Looks lovely. And your outfit is just beautiful! So perfect for an Australian summer.

    Katie x

  • Catherine

    Just gorgeous Jodi. I noticed those shoes on Em's blog a while back and have them bookmarked to someday buy. I love your new banner too, very pretty. x

  • Nell

    I'm with Em. For me it's all about that skirt. Total perfection x

    • Jodi

      it comes in a gorgeous Parisian-rose print too x

    • Nell

      I'll be on the lookout for a charity shop version. It's all about budget this year 😉 You are the perfect model, you wear it beautifully x

  • Jane S

    Stunning photos Jodi & Luisa! Love your look, love the new banner and I love Brooklyn before I have even been there. I am looking forward to the Surry Hills feature already.

  • dear olive

    I've never heard of Brooklyn, but it sounds very sweet, and I sure love the look of that tea menu! You look gorgeous and I, too, am really looking forward to Surry Hills – I lived there for a long time and it still holds much of my heart. Kellie xx

  • joanna

    Jodi, I really love your blog – but it is starting to look more and more like an advertising feature for products – even the giveway while being generous is after all a way for companies to promote their products….I wonder why? Your writing is lovely and you obviously have a lot to offer on loads of good topics like mindfulness, conscious parenting etc – please don't waste your time promoting products (and if that's what you want to do, I hope the advertisers are paying you the going rates!)

    • Jodi

      Hi Joanna, I really appreciate your thoughts and the kind way you expressed them. I'll only be doing one of these features once a season which I think is perfectly acceptable (there will be one seasonal giveaway too).

      Whilst I am promoting a few products I'm also creating with a photographer, and exploring a new-to-me destination.

      I pick and choose (and decline) sponsorship opportunities as a way of supporting my career as a freelance writer. I have always said that I will support creatives and small business – and I am both. x

    • Emma Steendam

      Very well put Jodi x

  • Ellen Arthur

    Beautiful! two very talented ladies producing words and images that lift the heart 🙂
    Ellen xx

  • one claire day

    You look insanely gorgeous! This Brooklyn is the perfect contrast to the Brooklyn I've just been to 🙂

    (gorgeous images, Luisa!)

  • one claire day

    P.S – (gorgeous new banner, Rebekka) x

  • Bungalowgirl

    What absolutely gorgeous wonderful photos. No one could imagine you have just been trudging around in 42 degree heat, you are an inspiration. mel x

  • Maisy Dee

    Absolutely stunning Jodi. Love love the skirt and shoes. Sam x

  • Belinda

    Breathtakingly beautiful Jodi!
    I love Brooklyn. The people I used to work for once upon a time lived there on a house boat. It's a lovely spot. Xx

  • Gaby

    When i saw the title of this post i thought it meant that you were going to brooklyn, ny, this summer, but this brooklyn looks lovely too. Amazing photos, that luisa brimble really is talented isn't she?

    p.s. autumn in surry hills, i wanna come 😉


    • Jodi

      you should, imagine your belly by then! x

    • Gaby

      it'll be huge! i'm in, i can be your assistant x

  • Steph @ this brown wren

    Just stunning! I have been eyeing off that gorgeous Elf bag and now seeing it out and about I may very well have to purchase it!! Copy cat? What a delightful place to visit. I will be counting on you for a few local tips when we head down to Sydney in May. Hope all is lovely (and a tad cooler) in your little slice of the world 🙂 x

    • Jodi

      the best kind of cat 😉 May will be wonderful…can't wait! x

  • Reply

    What a beautiful idea for a series. Luisa has done such a wonderful job with the photos! And you look stunning, these photos encompass what summer really is about to me. I've booked a little midweek getaway for next week and turning it into a self imposed writing retreat. I'm handing in my full first draft (7 chapters!) at the end of the month. I like going to new spaces and places, they give you so much clarity about things and life in general. Already looking forward to Autumn in Surry Hills, but given how cold it gets in Canberra, I might just hang onto summer a little longer 🙂

  • thewindhover

    Jodi, you gorgeous siren of the central coast you! And oh how all that sun and blue sky make me miss home! So gorgeous.

  • Polly (nice kind of blue)

    Oh you make me want a trip to Australia so much, I've just googled this place on the map and see it's not far from Scotland Island where we have some family…. so one day I might actually make it to Brooklyn!

  • Kate

    Oh my josh, beautiful… SWOON! xxx

    • Kate

      Silly iPhone! Gosh – not Josh 😉

  • Saskia

    Oh Jodi, how gorgeous are you! What a stunning model you make, those companies that have gifted you the items c/o chose well because everything looks amazing on you and I want it all now!:)
    Lovely photography too Luisa!
    I wish I could hang in Sydney for a few days or more, all the cafe's and hideouts look cosy and rustic, maybe we can even meet up if I make it over while living in Australia.

  • Bekah Joy

    These photos are dreamy!

    One day, I'll visit. 🙂

  • Jennifer

    These photo's are stunning! and seriously your outfit is amazing!!

  • Katie

    Traveling to Australia is high on my list of places to visit, and now that I've been reading your blog for a while, swooning over gorgeous photos such as these, I REALLY want to get traveling. For now, you've inspired me to shop around a bit for a lovely sundress. 🙂

  • freckles

    I love Brooklyn! My parents often took my siblings & I there to explore as kids, while in high school ky friends & i would have a BBQ & a swim in summer & now that we take our own children there for playdates. The whiting & chips from the lifeboat fish & chip shop are the best!
    Jodi, you look so incredibly beautiful & serene.

  • Lani

    Such beautiful photos of you 🙂 Sounds lovely there.


  • Sarah Elizabeth

    Just requested 'You Gotta Have Balls' from my local library here in San Francisco. (: Thanks for the recommendation and for this lovely post! – Sarah

  • kandice

    you are beautiful! as are these photos.

  • Jo

    You look beautiful, Jodi. As does the new header. It's the depths of winter here and I'm living vicariously through your photos of warm weather and billowy skirts and tops.

    I've never heard of Lily Brett before but I'm always on the lookout for a new recommendation. I'll check around for any of these titles.

    My best,
    Jo Farmer

  • Jo

    PS. When I travel I love to sort of blend in with the scenery and behave like a local. If I'm ever able to make it to Australia (which I hope I do!) this little guide will be so helpful in finding simpler, non-tourist-trap things. I really loved when you went to Tasmania and let us peer in on your vacation. I can't wait for the next feature like this.

  • Emma Steendam

    I love this concept Jodi – can't wait for the other seasons! And Luisa Brimble? Genius. Love everything she touches, beauty full.

  • kati

    i may have to stop reading australian blogs because i just want to move there EVERY DAY 🙂 🙂

  • Kelli

    You are such a beauty. Brooklyn looks absolutely lovely.

  • Lisa

    Surry Hills?
    The Winery is just wonderful! 🙂

  • katie.rose

    Stunning outfit, stunning beauty, stunning photographs x

  • joanna

    Thanks Jodi for your kind response to my feedback. I think the reason why it troubled me is that you and your blog have always stood out as one of the most authentic voices in blog-land – especially amongst 'mummy-bloggers' – your blog has always been a calm, inspiring space to visit. However I understand the necessity to support yourself – and of course that's vital. Blogging seems to have taken a new direction with advertisers realising that they can reach potential buyers re blogs, sometimes in very subtle ways via giveways, gifts to bloggers etc. I wonder however if they are willing to pay the rates that they would pay in say a magazine with similar reach? Anyway – thanks for NOT responding with defensiveness (again an illustration of how you stand out amongst bloggers) and I wish you every success with your new ventures.

  • ashley

    jodi- love this outfit and series idea. with many of the others on loving that skirt. i have a small collection of santo wish bracelets that look just like your collection. love them. excited for the next round of your adventures. xx

  • tea with lucy

    looking gorgeous mate. love your style!

    rachel xo

  • Serendips

    I have a serious case of skirt envy right now. Oh that is stunning!

  • Claire

    Brooklyn sounds like a wonderful little town and that outfit is delightful Jodi- all kinds of Summery! Looking forward to the Autumn 'issue' x

  • Alanah.

    I really enjoyed this post (?!? Is that the right thing to call it?!?) and whilst trying to work out why, I believe it is because I can see so much of you! Your children and home are lovely but it was nice to get a glimpse of the author photographed in such lovely surrounds and so comfortable.

    • Jodi

      that's a lovely thing to say – thank you x

  • Pink Ronnie

    Stunning photos, Luisa & Jodi. Thanks for brightening up my day.
    Ronnie xo

  • dear molly

    Jodi, you are smoking hot…these images are gorgeous and that skirt has me swooning!

  • Brenda @ Mira Narnie

    oh what sweet adorable images! i love your outfit, so perfectly relaxed summer! I'm off to check out those links xx

  • Katie:: Grow.Cook.Sew.

    I LOVE this! Xx

  • Jordan chase

    What absolutely gorgeous wonderful photos. No one could imagine you have just been trudging around in 42 degree heat.
    Promotional backpacks

  • G

    You picked the perfect skirt – the colours in it seem to reflect the colours of brooklyn (being unfamiliar with Sydney I too thought you meant New York) so well. x

  • Yellow Finch Designs

    jodi, such beautiful photos of you!

  • katiecrackernuts

    I pass Brooklyn every day on my way to and from work. We stopped in a couple of years ago and walked around the rocks. I found an Australian Penny washed up there, with the king's head, not the queen's. I can't remember the date on it but it was the strangest thing to wonder how long it had been out there floating on Hawkesbury River tides until I found it. I have spied the new bookstore and the gallery and my partner and I have also been talking about a little trip to Dangar Island. I love the Hawkesbury. The pull of the water there is strong.

  • Oz

    I love your photo eye and how dreamy a story can be with the photos.. It makes me wanna learn photography. 🙂

  • Michelle Schneider

    well, now I MUST visit. so beautiful thanks for sharing

  • Sioned Hill

    I keep looking at this post willing warmth over here- I'm wearing my coat indoors WITH the heating we are fortunate enough to afford ON. I'll be pinning this skirt for summer inspiration 🙂 Beautiful mama. xx

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  • david and elizabeth

    I really like this post. I've come back a few times, inspired by the lovely photos and words.
    I picked up Lola Bensky on the weekend, its my first Lily Brett read. I'm already so fascinated by the obviousness of its similarity with the author's own life. I love her honesty, as she expresses her awkwardness in her own skin.
    Thank you very much for a great recommendation. x

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