sssshhhh Poet’s Dreaming

look closely
sssshhhh Poet’s Dreaming2011-08-112016-08-16 Simplicity
Oh my that is the sweetest!
beautiful and so precious.
Gorgeous, i love the way her little eyelids flutter. x
hee hee so sweet. I can see her brother in her here. It's the eyes. xx
sssh. poets perfect.
gorgeous little thing.
so cute. awesome that you caught the moment.
oh my! that is too precious. you caught a dream-smile! 🙂
She is so beautiful. I love her sweet little smile. xo
i just came across your blog and adore it- this animated pic of Poet is just precious! I remember when I use to watch my daughters sleep and they would smile randomly 🙂 What a wonderful sight!
Wow, that is beautiful!! I can see so much of Che in her.. x
Delightful Jodi! xx
What a priceless moment to capture! She's lovely and having wonderful dreams about her Mommy, I'm sure.
oh my, that is one of the sweetest things i have ever seen!
Oh gosh! So sweet. So very cool!
magic. just magic. x
Love it- so gorgeous
so sweet! xo
That is adorable. How can you not smile.
Not only is that beautiful, but she has a very talented daddy 🙂 xx
Look at that angelic face with the blissed out smile….just gorgeous!!!
Oh how clever! She is utterly gorgeous 🙂
That. Is amazing.
pure magic.
Amazing, what a gorgeous time for you all.
How beautiful! Makes me feel all clucky!!
ohhhh. amazing!!!
Aww that is soooo adorable!! Sweet, sweet baby 🙂
How absolutely adorable! x
This is too clever and so, so adorable.
Loving the title to pieces too.
xx Felicity
I've been reading your blog for a while but this is my first comment. Adorable, I'm sure you've heard this a million times but she looks so much like you!
Cutie Pie! Must have been a good dream 🙂 She looks so content and wow how much like Che in this picture. x
What an amazing shot, and a moment to be cherished x
So beautiful! I loved watching my babies sleep and dream like that.
oh bless her darling smiling heart! She is adorable…x
so divine. blessings to your precious family.
and i agree, so much like che x
Perfect and I love the way she is swaddled.
She looks like Che. 🙂 x
a dream smile! precious 🙂
Divine Jodi, oh man, she looks so much like you! Hope you are enjoying these first few weeks, I've been thinking of you x
Hooley Dooley Jodi, that blew me away! What a magical post. Your little Poet is SO beautiful… thank you for sharing that special moment :o) xo
Heart melting stuff xx
This is beautiful.
she is so beautiful! i love your posts.
Beautiful!!!! she looks like che!
So cool!
she looks so much like you! best xoxo
Now that is the sweetest thing I've seen all day. Big smile.
that is just beautiful!! Love that work Daniel! have been thinking of you and your new little one and all the change that came with her! xox m.
i giggled out loud!
that is the sweetest thing! the little peek of the eye, then that gorgeous little grin!
bel. x
So sweet Jodi. Poet looks just like Che. xx
woah, thats cuuutteee!!! I love the idea!!! Lovely POet!!!
My heart has totally melted. Thank you little Poet.
A kiss all the way from Norway.
That's amazing. I'm breathless. Thanks for sharing.
Wow, she looks just like you! Beautiful.
Her smile is the cutest 🙂
awww, sweet dreams little one! you are absolutely perfect ♥
Soooooo sweet… Louis does this, I watch him sleeping a lot and the little smiles get me every time… I wonder what they're dreaming about? Xx
Pure moments of preciousness right there.
Hey Jodi, I came back to comment again because I was thiking of you and of your little girl´s name and I thought, which female poets do I know? and I thought of emily dickinson, and I wanted to recomend to you this album:
by Josephine foster in which she made some of emily´s poems into songs. I´ve been listening to it A LOT lately with my baby son and I just thought I´d recommend it to you. Your blog is glowing with magic these days!
ha ha ha oh Jodi that is just the CUTEST thing i've ever seen! ha ha ha. clever work Daniel!
aww heart melting.
Absolutely beautiful!!! She is perfect.
My Croatian inlaws told me that when a baby smiles in their sleep it means their angel is talking to them.
Just came across your blog.
That is MAGIC and oh so precious.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! I have to agree about the angels comment Jodi. My husband and relatives (Turkish) say that when babies smile like that while sleeping they are seeing the angels around them. She does look just like you.
this really is beautiful. I think my ovaries might be going into overload… :o)
omg, that is precious
That's beautiful! I used to love watching my babies sleep and their little faces look like that!
Love it.
Rach x
he he he — too sweet!
She is exquisite!!!!
You guys rock!
this is just divine.
this is the sweetest thing ever. I've missed you lots. Hope you're well 🙂 x
Just gorgeous!
Oh my! How beautiful 🙂
I was looking then noticed. How wonderful.