spring : seasonal reads

As a new season approaches I go through the bookshelf and take out the relevant stories. At bedtime and wake time and afternoon in-between-time we read together and talk about the pictures and the words and the quirky characters that fill the pages.

So, it’s spring, and here’s what we’re reading to welcome the season:

  • Spring is Here by Taro Gomi. I bought this for Che when he was a little one and now it’s one of Poet’s favourites. Sweet illustrations and simple yet evocative sentences lure the tiniest of imaginations
  • Bumping and Bouncing by Alison Lester – the one who glorifies Australia and Australian families in all her wonderful work. This is a lovely little rhyming book, easily held by chubby toddler hands.
  • Thanks to Lauren Clare who recommended the breathtaking A Forest by Marc Martin. Dubbed one of Australia’s “most talented new picture-book creators” Marc has created a timeless tale complete with the most beautiful illustrations and paintings. I purchased our copy in a little bookshop in Berry and when it hasn’t been on the bed-side table it’s been decorating my mantle.
  • I discovered All Through the Year by Jane Godwin and Anna Walker a little while ago. I was delighted to finally find a book that followed the Australian seasons(at the right time of year). Told through the eyes of a child this is a beautiful story complimented by Anna’s whimsical and utterly lovely illustrations.
  • Today and Today is the creation of Brian Karas. Inspired by Issa’s emotive haiku poetry, Brian tells the story of a family who endure loss and experience healing. A celebration of the seasons and the simple wonders in the days, this is a precious book that I’ll be keeping even when my children are grown.

I think the books we read was one of my all-time favourite posts. The comments section became a fabulous list of ‘highly recommended.’ I suggest you pop back there – it’s perfect inspiration for your next library visit.

I’m expecting some spring-reading suggestions from you too – what’s your favourite story to read in spring? And, if you’re venturing into autumn, please share your much-loved tales about the leaves falling….I’ll keep it in mind for next year.

a seasonal series
turn of the season
notes from my naturopath
at home

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  • Katy

    Beautiful! Having an eight month old and five year old I am going through so many different kinds of books at the moment. Miss five is just starting on the wonders of Roald Dahls writing and so far the Gruffalo seems a hot with my little one.

  • Reply

    Great list Jodi.
    I like reading with the kids "A year on our farm" – it shows the changes that occur during all 4 seasons on an Australian Farm.

  • ally

    I love All Through The Year!!…the kids do too
    The Seed by Eric Carle is lovely
    And Alison Lester's Magic Beach is perfect as the weather warms up

  • Mother Down Under

    I love All Through The Year too.
    And we have one about seasons on an Australian farm…I think it is called A Year On The Farm…not the most creative title but Baby C loves it because it has great pictures…I name and animal and he points to it!

    Thanks for the other suggestions…I will check them out on our next trip to the library!

  • oscarlucinda

    Lovely! Can't get enough of children's books (that's where I hang out in bookstores!)…I'm starting a little 'in our library' series and All Through the Year was going to be one of my first posts. I was lucky enough to meet Anna as part of an exhibition at the State Library of Vic a few years ago (Look – did you see it?) – and she signed my copy. She is just as sweet as her illustrations x

    • Jodi

      I worked in bookstores for seven years – books are most definitely my weakness. A good, healthy weakness! So glad to hear that Anna is sweet – Little Cat and the Big Red Bus is one of my all-time favourites. x

    • ally

      Oh that exhibition was so joyful – I took my girls and we all adored it

  • Natalie

    Beautiful list. Some we already love and some to look out for, thank you. We love the Steiner classic "Spring" by Gerda Muller and of course a story told by mama using a few simple props by candle light has to be her favourite….very short and simple, the other night we had tiny spring bees come to visit…stories bring such delight xx

  • mamatribe

    We love Today and Today – I'm so glad you do also. Anna Walker is also just delightful isn't she. All through the Year is on our must-buy-list, we've borrowed it countless times from the library.

    It's funny, I went to get our "spring" books from the shelves the other day and discovered we really don't have many. We seem to have a lot of Summer and (snowy) Winter ones, but Spring is lacking…

    Annika's favourite at the moment is Mother Earth and her Children which works well with all seasons.

    I did a blog post recently on some other faves http://mamatribe.wordpress.com/2012/08/12/five-faves/

  • ClaireyHewitt

    I too love picture books. My three year old is loving Zoe And Beans right now, stories about a funny little girl and her dog. Old favourites from last year include Press Here, or Jungle Drums.

    Another is Ella ballerina,

    Ok I could go on and on!

  • Anonymous

    Our favorite read at the moment is Jack and
    The Flum Flum tree,it's not actually a spring
    time story,but it's a favorite in our house and has
    us all laughing every time we read it!
    The author is Julia Donaldson!

  • Christina Lowry

    We recently borrowed 'Today and Today' from the library, but I think I liked it more than Cohen did. I think we will re-visit it in the future.

    Our favourite book at the moment, though it isn't particularly Spring-y, is 'Noni the Pony.' The characters are Noni, which is my sisters nickname and Emerson's middle name, Co-Co the cat, which is what Cohen calls himself and Dave dog, which is my husbands name. So Cohen asks for the book about "Aunty Noni, Dadda and Me." 🙂

  • Nell

    Your last book post was one of my favourites too. I could happily live in a bookstore too. We've just finished reading Bramley Hedge Autumn Story – the Seasons collection is so sweet. Definitely the perfect read for the beginning of each new season.

    I'll be checking out some of these books too…nothing like a new book x

  • Liv Lundelius

    I love your blog! It's full of beautiful photos and words.
    Kids books are the best.

  • Melissa@Julias Bookbag

    LOVE Taro Gomi!!! Love love

    Jodi, I think you would enjoy taking a peek at my Spring Pinterest board — I have several spring seasonal children's books pinned on it 🙂


  • Coryann

    I'm coveting Poet's quilt! Where did you find that beautiful treasure?

  • Emily

    We love "Isabella's Garden" by Glenda Millard and Rebecca Cool. It really covers all seasons but it came to us in the Spring and it is a lovely journey about what happens when "a small seed is planted" so it will always be a Spring story in our house. I love the illustrations and, even though there is a tad too much text on a couple of pages, the rhythm keeps it rolling along nicely. Jodi, I have really been enjoying this Seasonal Spring series … it may end up costing me a lot of $$$ though ;).

    • Jodi

      Pop back on Monday or Tuesday – it might not cost you a cent 😉 x

  • Astra

    Hi Jodi, I always read and enjoy your posts but I'm especially loving this spring series, I love the comparison because here in ireland its just coming into autumn 🙂

  • Amber

    I too love All through the Year! So beautiful and I love that it's Australian focused 🙂

  • Steph

    Such a gorgeous list! I used to teach small children and my collection of picture books is huge. Simply can't get enough of them. We have most of these but The Forest will be coming home with us today from our Sunday coffee and book shop jaunt. And A Year On Our Farm is pure joy 🙂 x

  • Victoria

    Such a wonderful list, must add these to my collection, currently we are very into little mermaid & always a favourite here is snow white.

  • Amanda

    Great list – will check out the titles I'm not familiar with when we next head to the library. One of our favourite Spring stories is the Golden Book classic 'Home For A Bunny'. It used to be my all-time favourite book as a little girl and I still have my tattered childhood copy. For Easter, I bought each of my girls a new copy and wrote a special message inside the cover from their Mama.

  • carissa

    Do you know the Brambly Hedge series? They have one for every season. They are so so sweet. The illustrations are dreamy.

  • bron @ baby space

    we love 'all through the year' I agree, so great to have a lovely storybook reflecting the aussie seasons 🙂

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