slow days, rest days

…get better soon days.

When your baby has a fever, time stands still. Since Wednesday afternoon Poet has been unwell, her eyes heavy and sad. She has had an on-again-off-again fever, general malaise and inconsolable misery. Just when I think she’s improving she calls for me again, cuddles in and feeds for comfort and nourishment.

I’ve been reading a lot about autumn, the season when our immune system struggles the most. Whilst I worry about the kids when they’re sick I’m constantly reminding myself that they need to be unwell, every so often, to strengthen their immune system, to build resilience against the bugs of winter. Over the past few days, in between feeding Poet and writing stories (not the prettiest attempt at life/work balance) I’ve been jotting down recipes for immune strengthening and respiratory cleansing. I hear it’s going to be a bad flu season so I’m preparing myself and hoping for the best.

Right now Poet is sleeping soundly, her belly full of roast chicken, roast garlic, cucumber and capsicum (I was so delighted when she ate dinner!). I’m hoping that tomorrow she wakes a little happier and healthier because there will be croissants to eat and birthday wishes to be made. Tomorrow I turn 29. I’d like autumn sunshine, a nice cup of coffee and no sneezing, please.

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  • Amanda

    Oh, poor darling Poet 🙁 I always feel so helpless when my little ones are ill… nothing like the comfort of a mama's cuddles though. I hope your little poppet is well again soon and wish you sunny skies and good health for your special day tomorrow xx

  • Jane S

    Beautiful and thoughtful as always Jodi. Happy Birthday for tomorrow, enjoy.

  • Emma Elliott

    Have a wonderful sneezing free 29th Jodi.from.the uk xxx

  • one bubble two

    Wishing you a beautiful birthday tomorrow Jodi – hope Poet wakes refreshed and revived, ready to spend a wonderful day celebrating with you xxx

  • Reply

    I'm so sorry that Poet is unwell, it is so tough when our children are sick. Draining on the whole family.
    Best wishes for tomorrow Jodi, I hope the sun shines for you! xx

  • krysta

    Happy birthday Jodi. I wish everything goes as you wish and your little one will be better.

  • jody

    I hope Poet is feeling better soon. Happiest birthdays to you lovely, have a wonderful day. xo

  • Amy

    Happy Birthday Jodi! I hope Poet is feeling better soon. Xx

  • Mother Down Under

    Happy birthday!
    Birthday coffees are the best…enjoy it!

  • umi

    o my, we share a bday! happy happy day fellow arian! x umi

    • Jodi

      So lovely to meet someone who shares April 2! Blessings for a beautiful day tomorrow x

  • The Great Willow Tree

    Oh gosh! I had the same plate when I grew up, except mine broke once and was glued back together.
    Hope Poet feels better soon and happy birthday tomorrow!

  • Nikki Fisher

    Happy birthday Jodi for tomorrow. I hope you have a love filled day of simple pleasures and that sweet Poet is back to her sparkly self very soon. xx

  • Maisy Dee

    Poor little Poet. I hope she is on the improve tomorrow for you and her. The happiest of birthday to you for tomorrow. I'm 29 on the 16th 🙂 yay for 1984! Have a lovely day with your gorgeous family and ill pray for sunshine for you. Sam xxx

  • Ingrid Seedsman

    I do hope Ms Poet feels better tomorrow and gives you a birthday smile.
    Happy Birthday to you Jodie may it be a lovely day for you. x

  • islandfairy

    Happy birthday Jodi! Thank you for always helping me slow down and see the beauty in motherhood, even when the going gets tough. x

  • Brenda @ Mira Narnie

    You turn 29!!! Yay! I think it's so natural and maternal to want our children to be healthy, but you are right, the sickness will strenghten their immunity. I'd love to hear more about your research about immune strengthening and cleansing. Wishing Poet recovery this week and happy days to you all! xx

  • Vanessa

    Funny you should mention immune-strengthening food etc… I've been looking a lot over the past few months into ways of boosting our immune system, not just in the short term, but as a way of life. It's important, especially when you want a preventative approach to illness. There's a huge amount to be said about gut health, so as well as all the restorative food, I've been busy culturing! I used to think it was one of those extreme/weird ways of eating; now I see it, plainly and simply, as a way to bolster good health. The boys have a couple of tbsp of milk kefir with their yogurt, and yesterday I made my first batch of kombucha. I was delighted.

    Oh, and sounds like Kian has the same thing Poet has: on and off for days (except he's not really eating). I've caught it too. Anyway, hope Poet recovers soon. And happy birthday for tomorrow. (I loved being 29!)

  • Andrea @ little buckles

    It's not nice seeing them sick and you're right – they need to be. I always see a change in them after an illness, like their body is preparing them for the next stage. Hoping you have a wonderful birthday xxx

    • Jodi

      …it's an expansion of awareness isn't it?! Fascinating x

  • mel @ loved handmade

    Happy Birthday to you for tomorrow & may those wishes come true, especially no sneezes! I hope you poet is better very soon..x

  • Princesspillar

    Coming from a place of rarely getting sick for years and years being thrown into the immune system building years with 2 nearly 3 little ones, we have been sick so much lately I feel the panic rise whenever anyone sneezes or coughs. Even the thought of another winter makes me feel anxious. I think we might hibernate this year.
    Happy Birthday! You're exactly 3 months younger than me. '84 babies rock! Enjoy your day!

  • Catherine

    I am sorry to hear that Poet is still feeling unwell I do hope that tomorrow finds her in brighter spirits. A very happy birthday for you tomorrow may it bring all that you wish for. xx

  • Iliska Dreams

    It does not matter if your child is 20 months or 20 years, it never stops hurting to see your child not well. Sending healing thoughts Poet's way.

  • Megan.K.

    Wishing little Poet well. It may improve their immune systems, but it always breaks our hearts a little when they are ill xx

    Happy Birthday for tomorrow, Jodi. Hope your day is filled with that Autumn sunshine 🙂

  • Rebecca Alexis

    Happy Birthday. Hope that Poet feels better soon.

    Up in th Northern Hemisphere, I have to say, it was one of the worst flu/cough/cold winter seasons.
    My boys missed days of school. Days. & for the first time ever, I wish we had given them the seasonal vaccination against the flu.

    hang in there.

  • Emily

    Happy Birthday! I hope Poet is feeling better for you, there's nothing worse than a sick babe 🙁
    If you're looking for natural ways to fend off the bugs of Winter, may I suggest a something that worked for us? 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp honey, 2 tbsp hot water, 1/4 tsp ginger, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper. Mixed well, stored in the fridge, and taken by the spoonful at the first sign of a cold, this kept us healthy and energized through flu season (and tastes great too!)

  • Lou Archell

    Oh dear poor little Poet. It seems we've been ill here for the duration of winter and now is Spring here in the UK, it's me who is unwell. I think i've finally given in. All the care for my sons whilst they've been sick these long winter months has taken it's toll. Look after yourself too Jodi. And happy birthday lovely lady x

  • Bron

    Happy birthday here is well wishes for all in your household. xx

  • Karina

    Happy Birthday and well wishes to your little one. xx

  • Lissa Snapp

    I hope the little one feels better soon, so interesting how the change of the seasons really does take a toll on your body. Wishing you a wonderful birthday as well Jodi! Take care!


  • jackieb

    Happy birthday Jodi …hope you have a lovely day 🙂 …. and hope Poet gets better soon. We are still in Winter temperatures we seem to have missed Spring to everyone xx

  • Isa

    Happy Birthday Jodi! Hope Poet wakes up feeling good tomorrow..
    Thanks for your wonderful, helpful, gentle, loving blog.

  • aluminiumgirl

    Happy Birthday!

  • Vanessa Anderson

    My son celebrates his first birthday today too. Birthday wishes all round!

  • Lizeylou

    Happy Birthday wishes to you lovely Jodi and big get well soon wishes to Miss Poet xx

  • Reply

    Poor Poet, and her mumma too. Would love to know more about the immune boosting recipes, have had a few years of bad runs of health and with a little one with coeliac disease I think she needs a lot of support in this area. All the best for a speedy recovery for Poet – good that she is eating all that goodness you are making for her.

  • Reply

    oh and a very Happy Birthday to you also

  • jo

    happy birthday lovely jodi. oh i do hope poet feels better soon x

  • Miss-B

    Happy Birthday to you. You are wise beyond your 29 years. Sometimes when you share your plans I think, I'd like to do that when I grow up. Then I realise I'm only one year younger. I hope Poet has woken feeling much better so that you can have a lovely relaxed birthday.


    Oh Poet, that gaze from the post before wrenched my heart too. I hope she is feeling better Jodie and today is the happiest of happy birthdays for you mama.

  • katie.rose

    Happy Birthday, dear Mumma X

  • Melissa@Julias Bookbag

    Happy Birthday Spring Girl!

  • Imogen Eve

    Happy Birthday! I hope you had a lovely day and I hope Poet is feeling better. Im x

  • Solène Casas

    I discover your beautiful blog and it inspires me much.I join your lovely project of "52 portrait" and Happy birthday to you;)Solène from Paris.

  • Reply

    Happy Birthday Jodi.
    Sorry to hear Poet is still unwell. My little Ryder has been under the weather too. Snotty and feverish. So, I feel your pain.
    He does however love green smoothies…so as soon as his appetite returns, I'm planning on getting back into daily blending sessions….and throwing in as many immune boosters as possible.
    Claire xx

  • Josie

    Happy Birthday Jodi, hope your sweet girl is on the mend. x

  • Smykolandia

    Ooh, I undestand this situation. Your heart is bleding when your child is sick. One month ago my son had 40 Celsciu degrees.I was afraid of him very much. It was virus. I hope Poet will be recovery soon.

  • G

    Lots of special people in my life having birthdays at the moment – hope you had a happy day despite poor Poet's ears, and sending get better soon vibes your way xx

  • annaofgreengable

    Such beautiful photos. My daughter received Peter Rabbit china last Easter. Hope you're little one is feeling better.

    xo green gable

  • ashley

    We are struggling too. My new soul has massive feeding issues so I am in that constant mama state of worry. Nothing else matters does it?!
    Hope the birthday is wonderful. Xx

  • My Mummy Daze

    I hope you had a wonderful birthday, '84 was a good year 🙂 Fi xxx

  • Reply

    You are such an wonderful mom. I really enjoyed this post…so thoughtful and sweet…although sad to hear that Poet isn't feeling well. You're right though…that we need these moments to build up our immune systems. Made me start thinking about the fact that we need the little bumps in the road and set backs in life as well to build our "immune system." We are so much stronger and more capable to live vital lives for it. Feel better Poet! xo

  • unfounddoor

    Oh, Happy Birthday and I hope you all feel healthy soon. It's so tough to see them sick – we've been struggling recently with the seemingly endless winter here in London and coming down with everything.

    And your top plate was a real madeleine moment for me — we had that Peter Rabbit set when I was little and loved it so 🙂


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  • Jane George

    oh get well soon little sweetie and happy birthday Jodi xxxxxx

  • jasmine

    Poor babe. I hope she's feeling better by now. Sending prayers your way. For health and for your 29th year! Happy belated birthday from California!

  • Tori Ishikawa

    Aw. Poor little one! Hope she gets better!

  • esther.

    I had the very same Peter Rabbit plate growing up. A comforting site, indeed. Glad to see that Poet is feeling better now.

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