scrub the vegies, clean the fruit

Take for instance my new full circle vegetable scrubbing brush* that I picked up on a whim whilst browsing the aisle of my local grocery store (the things you do when you have twenty minutes to go shopping – alone). The bamboo ring is smooth and contoured; the perfect fit for my hand. And the bristles? Tough without being harsh, they are most effective at getting rid of dirt from the dutch potatoes, kumera and carrots that make their way into the pan come roast chicken night. And because I believe in keeping my dishes to a minimum, I recently started adding green beans and kale to the pan once the chook is removed. Just enough of a coating in oil and fat promises to produce crunchy beens and crispy kale in a matter of minutes.**

While I like the idea of eating organic fruit and vegetables 100 per cent of the time (we get a delivery once a week from Nurtured Earth Organics), I can’t justify spending $12 on a tub of strawberries that will be devoured in minutes. So, I’ve taken to soaking my non-organic produce in a sink of lukewarm water and apple cider vinegar (about 1/4 cup) to remove the traces of pesticides (15-20minutes does the trick).

*I also use (and wash, reuse, repeat) the full circle cellulose sponge cloths and tidy cloths.

**If you’re starting your baby on solid foods, mashing up last night’s roast is a quick way to make a nutritious meal. I shred the chicken, mash the potato, carrots and kumera and finely chop the greens. Percy devours it (and sleeps very well afterward!).

More from the series: simply practical

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  • Leah

    I really love posts like Jodi… its still on my list to get a sock hanger for the line… something its the small things that make life easier xxx

    • Jodi

      In the day-to-day it really is the small things….and yet often they're the last things we get around to buying, aren't they?! x

  • Helen

    Wonderful post! Thank you for sharing all that information. I am searching through the Biome site and loving everything- do you know of something similar in the U.S?

    • Jodi

      Hi Helen, no I don't. However, the US dollar is very strong compared to the AUD at the moment…even if you do have to pay for international postage it may work out cheaper for you, depending on what you buy. Just a thought! x

  • Jude T

    We make a stock from the chook carcass and then boil out baby's veg in it, adding pearl barley, lentils etc as they get older. I swear doing this is the reason my kids love spicy food – have you ever tasted commercial baby food? It's so bland!

    • Jodi

      I always make stock, too! And yes, it adds so much flavour + goodness to boiled veg. If time is short and I have nothing prepared I usually boil kumera in stock – so quick and always gobbled up! x

  • Charlotte Lee

    I didn't even know this kind of thing existed… how intriguing!

    Charlotte xx

  • Gem

    I am also a lover of practical solutions! thanks great post

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