sea palette

Throughout this pregnancy I’ve been drawn to soft, ocean-inspired hues that provoke a sense of calm and quiet. I can see the irony of this attraction; life with three children is going to be anything but calm and quiet and yet, I feel like this baby (which will most probably be a pisces, a water sign) is patient and relaxed. I’ve never enjoyed the water quite as much as I do in this pregnancy; it feels entirely natural to be floating. And I can’t help but think that this baby, who brought us to the beach, will be born in the bath.

When Che was little I stumbled across a pattern for a super easy baby blanket (there’s now a pattern for an adult lap blanket, too). My first year of motherhood had prompted me to search out knitting patterns, despite the fact that my knitting skills were of the most basic kind: cast on, knit, cast off. But if there’s one thing I learned from my search it’s that you really can make a practical, beautiful item with limited knitting knowledge. I chose bold colours for Che’s blanket and used an organic Australian wool that proved to be rich in hue and soft in texture.

In the autumn and early winter of Poet’s pregnancy I gathered my knitting basket and spent my afternoons with needles in hand. The colours I chose were largely based on the remnants I had gathered from op-shopping trips and my Mum’s past projects. I disregarded the pattern and its thick stripes early on, embracing a more haphazard approach to colours and lines. Strangely, the cacophony of colour is perfectly representative of Poet; dreamy yet stubborn, busy and fun.

Whilst the mere thought of holding wool in my hands makes me feel hotter than I already am, I know exactly what colours this baby’s blanket will be. A woollen sea palette; sage green, milky white, washed grey, sand yellow, oatmeal and pale blue. Call it a plan or a resolution of sorts but I hope that come the cooler months, I’ll be able to knit for the baby that lays on the bed beside me; warming it’s toes with a mama-made blanket.

What is a great brand of soft merino (or the like) that has a good range of colours?
Do you tend to get crafty in your pregnancy?
Are any of your children pisces?

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  • pambythesea

    I just recently found your blog and love it! I am also due with a Pices baby boy. He does seem really relaxed in there- he moves around, but he is a good little guy.

    I'm a bit knitter as well and am making a baby blanket for the little guy. It has been hard knitting in Brisbane, but this week is mercifully cooler. I'm using a yarn from Canada where I'm from- Blue Moon Fibre Arts Socks that Rock lightweight in pond scum
    It's a thin yarn, but I think it will wear really well and I'm loving using it.

    Some other favourite yarn brands are SweetGeorgia yarns, Spud and Chloe, Madelinetosh and Lorna's Laces. They all have nice merinos that are also machine washable. If you want to go Australian, Cleckheathon Superfine ( is nice and not badly priced at all.

    Have fun!

    • Jodi

      Best of luck with your little Pisces boy x

  • Greer

    Well, of course I have to comment on this post!!!! Quince & Co!!!!!!!!

    • Jodi

      Oh my word, Quince & Co is amazing! Thank you! x

  • Mama Shara

    Sounds like a Quince & Co palette to me!

    I'm making the same blanket for our baby, due in Winter. I'm using a rainbow palette of organic cotton/merino from O-Wool.

    • Jodi

      Sounds gorgeous x

  • WoolyPassion

    Hi, your query has been passed onto me from Pinchmebeautiful. Apart from being her mum, I also own a knitting shop. I do 4 blanket group classes per month & would suggest either Bellissimo which has a lovely colour range or my personal pick, Filatura di Crosa Zara which has a range of 65 colours, is Australian fleece, machine washable, & in the same price range as Cleckheaton. Hope this helps!

  • elflyn

    There are lots of Australian/ NZ WAHM's who are selling hand dyed yarn. Many have Facebook pages so do a search there. Also have a look at Bendigo Woollen Mills, they have a lovely range, different bases and some is machine washable.
    Enjoy your knitting and your swimming.
    Much love xx

    • Jodi

      I've only ever heard good things about Bendigo Woollen Mills, thanks for the reminder x

    • elflyn

      I forgot to say I am currently knitting a blanket using your palette. I am using Bendigo Woollen Mills merino, 4 ply, knitting with 2 strands held together. It is lovely, very soft and also easy to knit with.
      Some pics on my Instagram 🙂

      Love xxx

  • Skye

    If you are looking for local wool, you can't go past Bendigo Woollen Mills. They're Australian based, and very affordable, as well as offering free postage over 30-50

  • Jude T

    I was very crafty in my first pregnancy, but have done nothing during this my second. I just don't have the same time! I feel mega guilty that I haven't made anything for the new bub yet!

  • Lindsey Cox

    I have no idea what signs my daughter or son are, and i am always very crafty and in the process of creating something so that wasn't different. i did have color cravings with both however, vibrant and artistic for Adeline who is very vibrant and artistic herself and for my bookish and calm spirited son it was neutrals and earth tones… while they were in the womb i felt they had distinct personalities and actually picked their native american names, it totally suited their looks and personalities. when i met them face to face, my "Little Bear" is tan and brown eyed, protective, and nurturing boy, my daughter is my little "Grey Wolf", she has fair skin, big grey almond eyes, and dark hair, she is a little playful expressive pack animal. I think its so amazing how intune we are with our unborn children, how before we see them they show us and ready us for how their little spirits will shape our lives. motherhood is amazing.

  • Claudia

    I love the colours you choose for babys blanket! There is a pattern on purlbee that would match the colours perfectly, maybe you like to give it a try:

    I started to knit while being pregnant with my first child and only knew some basics as well. But youtube can be such an amazing source for learning how to knit, so I soon found myself knitting socks and cardigans. There are so many great (and easy) knitting patterns on and they have a database for yarns as well which can be filtered for fiber types and weight.

  • Gaby

    This is too funny because it's exactly what I did when I was pregnant with Clementine! I used Debbie Bliss baby cashmerino, which is so soft and lovely. You can see my post here:


    • Jodi

      I remember that post…I even commented on it! Has the Debbie Bliss worn well? I'm wanting to use quite muted shades so will look and see if the collection has what I'm after x

    • Viksterbean

      Debbie Bliss has a lovely selection of muted sea shades, I'm tempted to knit a baby blanket myself…even though we're only trying for a baby!

  • jackieb

    If you can get Debbie Bliss ..they do beautiful Cashmerino and also beautiful cottons! Love to all xx

  • denovojournal

    The colors and textures of that first photograph are gorgeous, and so soothing. What a perfect color scheme from which to knit a baby blanket.

  • lilyknits

    I second (or third) Quince and Co! They are a great company and they have all of the colors you mentioned. They are local for me (I live in Maine) and I have knit many items for my boys (and myself) out of Quince yarns and they all wear really well.

  • Veggie Mama

    I have kitchen table envy <3
    No Pisces (I actually don't know what my kids are. Oh wait, one is an Aries and the other…. (Googles) Virgo. Both right on the cusp, as is their Taurean mama). I love Bendigo Woollen Mills and pretty much the first thing I did when I moved down here was go there 🙂

  • Veggie Mama

    Oh ps I made delicious bobble-stitch bonnet/scarf combos for both the girls from Morris and Sons yarn. Beautiful and washable.

  • Chantille Fleur

    Morris & Sons have a beautiful range of merino yarns. I'm making a sweater in their 'Empire 4ply – Superfine Merino' It's lovely and soft and comes in thicker plys, too.
    If you want to work on a project now I highly recommend organic cotton or bamboo yarns. I have a large stash of Twilleys of Stamford Organic Cotton, it's absolutely divine. It wears well too. 🙂

  • katiecrackernuts

    Suzy Hausfrau is in Canberra and stocks many of the brands mentioned here. You can order online. I did see a stash of soft 4ply merino at the West Gosford Salvos too. Not exactly these colours, but I think a dip in tea would mute them beautifully.

  • Sharolyn Newington

    I just love this palette, and that first picture especially. So beautiful and relaxing.

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