school lunch 101

The first step to making a lunch that will actually be eaten? Get a lunchbox that’s ideal for little hands.

In celebration of Plastic Free July and with a new school term upon us, I thought it best to share how I do lunches around these parts. I aim for healthy, fresh and colourful with a little homemade treat every now and then (nothing too fancy) and stainless steel packaging – always.

I first purchased these lunchbots stainless steel containers when Che started school and I haven’t looked back. We have two unos (for sandwiches), a trio (for Che) and a quad (for Poet) and I fill them to the brim with whatever I can rustle up. I find that cutting up fruit and vegies into bite-sized portions ensures they’re eaten – without fail. My children love snacks (they’re grazers, that’s for sure) so their snack boxes usually come home empty.

Sandwiches are a a different matter altogether which I wholeheartedly understand…we can all get a little tired of the humble sandwich, can’t we? My solution? – a thermos! I was recently gifted two Thermos containers and have used them every day since. The perfect size for a school bag, these little gems keep food warm for five hours and cool for seven so they’re perfect no matter the season. I’ve been reheating my tuna + herb pasta, spaghetti bolognaise, fried rice and pumpkin soup to ensure little tummies are tempted come lunchtime (I pack a bamboo spork and a napkin, too). Granted, a warm lunch doesn’t always eventuate but as far as I’m concerned a honey, banana or vegemite sandwich is not to be frowned upon.

As for snacks, fruit and vegies are a staple, brown rice crackers often make an appearance and banana bread or blueberry yogurt cake is always popular. Sometimes there’s dates, a boiled egg, popcorn, corn chips, cheese, leftover pizza, half an avocado, hummus, bliss balls or muesli slice. And when I need new inspiration? – I head straight to Lunch Lady.

What are your go-to ingredients for lunch boxes? Feel free to share recipes and/or links.

ps. in case you’re interested, Poet’s personalised bag is from hazyjane and the name stickers are from stuck on you.

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  • Happy Bandits

    I love those stainless still containers, thank you for sharing your tips! Fruits, a honey toast, cheese and pasta are the most common for our little one when he goes to daycare. Your family is b e a u t i f u l !

  • emma

    Thanks lovely, glad to see poet's bag is still much loved xx

  • Sarah

    Looks lovely. How do you keep it all cool in summer? I've been thinking about changing from lots of small containers in a Skip Hop lunchbox to the ease (mainly for the kids) of a Lunchbot box, so interested to hear how you handle the Australian summer heat. Also, do you find the foods leak into the different compartments? Sunny wishes from Sydney, Sarah

    • Jodi

      Hi Sarah,

      Good questions! Poet has a fridge at Montessori so I don't have to worry so much about food staying cool. However, during the summer months I put the lunchboxes in the fridge the night before so they are nice and cool when I pack them the next morning. And no, the foods don't leak into other compartments.

      Hope this helps x

    • Sarah

      Thank you, Jodi x

  • Bmore Bungalow

    What cool little lunch containers!

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