scenes : in yellow and green

Clear, white winter light on a landscape of green and yellow.

Sometimes a photo essay is the best way to find some words; it’s been hard to articulate my ideas over the past few days. What I do know is that winter is here; wild, cold winds tell us there’s snow down south. At night we’re going to bed early and reaching for extra blankets – hot water bottles are a necessity.

/ golden blooms and the perfect midday light

/ a pitstop on our morning walk; daisies in one hand whilst the other collects fallen leaves

/ I’m not sure what this tree is called but its leaves are the most vivid shade of lime/yellow

/ a little finger and a sign that never seems to age

/ playing in the garden at Montessori. She spent an hour there yesterday; her first day of “prep” before she officially begins in a few weeks time. It’s hard to believe that we’re launching into this next stage with her. But, she’s ready – so, so ready.

see the entire collection – scenes

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  • Pink Ronnie

    Time goes by too quickly.
    Beautiful scenes, Jodi.
    Ronnie xo

  • Elke Indigo

    Still no snow here… but we're waiting on it, with bated breath! King Winter is *really* late this year! 🙂 Happy Winter to y'all up there! 🙂

    • Elke Indigo

      And overnight the snow has arrived! 🙂 A gorgeous light dusting on the mountains and Cradle with a thick blanket of Grandmother Winter to keep her snug and warm 🙂

  • Elisha Ross

    That looks like a Gleditsia tree to me. They are lovely. Beautiful pics today. Thanks for sharing..


    beautiful pics, love them!

  • kari

    Beautiful photographs!

  • Reply

    Lovely scenes from the outdoors. It's funny to think winter is settling over your home, as the summer has just arrived here. Hope you have a great winter as you launch into new territories of school + schedules!

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