scenes : in summer light

Despite the fact that we’re struggling with Daniel’s absence we’re still enjoying summer; its colour and its light. I’m particularly grateful for the warmth this year, the opportunity to get out of the house and explore. The sun makes everything better, as does the shade of a tree and a blue, forgiving sea.

/ perfect drying weather. I’ve been doing a few loads each day, admiring the florals and tassels (before facing the reality that all those clothes and linens need to be folded and put away – the worst part!)

/ funny pillow play. Poet thought she was a bear, too.

/ whenever I see bougainvillaea I think of Bali

/ fairy in the garden; swift and spritely she runs barefoot and free

/ the missing is intense and deep. Every single day the kids ask: “When is Daddy coming home” which is when I say: “He’s travelling the world and making a tv show and maybe we’ll see if there’s a new photo on instagram!” and so we do…and the kids hug the iphone. He’s just finished a week in Mumbai and is off to Johannesburg before heading to Manila (and then a month in South America).

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  • Kirsty

    Separation is so hard. I hope the time goes quickly. Those summer colours are so uplifting though!

  • Clare B

    Every morning I get "Is Papa in bed with you?" … and we only have two weeks; we are both counting the sleeps now.

  • Modern Day Mummying

    Loving your colorful and summery world 🙂 I bet their daddy is missing them something fierce as well.

    Sophie xo

  • Katrina@capturingmoments

    These photos are so delightful and make me feel happy. That second photo made me giggle – the youngest thinking they are just like their older sibling but it always seems to be something cute or totally off the mark! ha ha. Last photo is a heart breaker. xx

  • BabyMac

    I have been thinking of you all the time Jodi…hang in there! These shots are beautiful.

    • Jodi

      oh, thanks Beth x

  • Lucy W

    Such beauty and colour in these photos when you're feeling blue missing your beloved

  • freckles

    These photos just brought the biggest smile to my face, they are bursting with happiness, i especially love the one of Che & Poet, it's seeing the love between siblings that almost makes me want another bubba. I also love the picture of the washing line, i love seeing beautiful fabrics billowing in the wind & the smell of freshly washed sheets & clothes is heaven to me. Where does the colourful little dress Poet is wearing in the second last photo from?

    • Jodi

      it's a pair of wings from x

  • Reannon Hope

    Those wings…..just beautiful!

  • Kathy

    Here's an activity the kids can do with a little stapler and some paper stripes. Do a chain of the days in month lots so the kids can tear off the chain every day and do the big countdown. Or get them to write down something on the chain each day that they did so daddy can see it when he gets home. I think I like the second idea better because daddy can be a part of things even when he is not there. My kids love making paper chains. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

  • Lil Muse Lily

    such great colors and happiness going on in these shots Jodi. love the two of them on Che's bed, love his room and Poet's wings….. so beautiful. happy week!

  • Trisha

    I live in india! Mumbai is my daddy's hometown! It's commercialised, but there are some fun places to see! ^^

  • Sarah

    Light and warmth is the cure for so many things. Hope you're easing into a new routine…I have no little ones but my husband has been away since last June (due to a new job and our house not selling here) and I know it's not easy. Just keeping finding peaceful and pretty moments. ♥

  • Lina

    Where in south América? I would love to send a little something your way!

  • Camille

    Beautiful shots, Jodi. Were all of these taken with the 6D/40mm combo?

  • mel @ loved handmade

    These are beautiful summery pictures..I hope the missing becomes a little easier, I can only imagine. Those instagram pictures of daddy will be priceless x

  • Angela

    Jodi, you are an amazing partner. I think perhaps, one day when your kids are grown you may well look back to these days solo parenting and think of the adventures you had just being 3. Some of my most treasured memories are of mum taking us kids on holidays on her own – one on a greyhound bus to Townsville (from syd!) and another on a train to visit a family friend's farm in grafton (I was about 6-8). Know you're home…but things work differently when papa is away. Keep chugging.

  • Jennifer Harr

    oh so beautiful and sweet! hugs to you all!

  • Reply

    I've been thinking of you, it's never easy for the kids to understand just when there loved one will be home, especially at Poets age. By the way, these photos are just beautiful xx

  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    jodi, your photography is off the hook. so brilliant.


  • heidi

    Oh my goodness, these pics are so bright & glorious & gloriuosly bright– I'm glad you have some brightness amidst the roughness… my prayers are with you & your family that the time will fly by quickly & with lots of children playing happily.

  • Bridie @ Miss And Misters

    So lovely. I found the sunny days a little easier (when my husband was away). We could just waste hours in the garden. Easier, but not easy. X

  • Jessica

    I love those orange flowers.. and that bear pillow. I think I need one of those!

    Jess | Malt Memories.

  • Janey G

    oh your pictures are so beautiful! Jodi you have so much passion and talent oozing down your lens! Hold in there hun, he will be back soon! xxxxxx

  • Janey G

    this may be so not your thing but my friend has had her husband away as a soldier 3 times and she swore by the daddy doll to help her kiddies. Just a thought sent with love from me to you…here's the link!

  • Imogen Eve

    I love these photos.

    Wishing you strength and luck until Daniel's return.

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