scenes : in a heatwave

/ I go on about socks in winter but come summer I’m vigilant about hats. This lovely one arrived in the mail from Acorn Kids.

/ the Christmas Bush has bloomed red; the festive season is officially here.

/ fallen gum branches beside the shed.

/ this little one loves the water.

/ early morning on the sand.

/ brush this curry plant with your skirt and you’ll smell the heady scent for the rest of the day.

/ the lightest muslin dress for hot summer days.

/ California poppies. They make me happy.

We’re escaping the heat at my parents’ house today. Thank goodness for air-conditioning. There’s a hot gusty wind blowing outside and the temp is hitting 40degree. Summer in Australia can be harsh.

and also…

I’ve been eyeing off these sustainable basics for a year now. International shipping for one week only.
Twenty years! Really?
Are you PNDA aware?
Stay connected (with each other) this Christmas.
wearing this everyday (and a hat, of course)
I’m all for waiting.
mythological motherhood – yes!
I really like this website

Stay cool, friends.

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  • Lamb Loves Fox

    Poet's dress! Where did you get that dress?

  • jandi

    beautiful images! we have been going through the most horrendous heat wave in South Africa + large parts are caught in a drought- so depressing + desperate.

  • CB

    Oh my goodness – it's so odd to read of heat waves when we're in the grip of winter's icy-cold wind and rain here in Ireland! I wouldn't mind a little bit of sun right now!

  • Sibellule

    hem, it's not marigold you took a picture of but California poppies, great flowers that nothing can kill, not even frost

    • Jodi

      Yes, thank you! I'll blame the heat for my silly mistake x

  • Kari

    Thanks so much for the "Mythological Motherhood" link. So true.

  • look see. by naomi fenton

    Oh, I love love love these photos Jodi – just beautiful! x

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