scenes : in green

This blog is nearing its eighth birthday and as I plan a refresh and think about where this space is headed I’ve been taking a trip through the archives. My series on scenes is one I’ve always been meaning to grow and now seems as good a time as any to intentionally pick up the camera and capture fleeting moments and interesting still lifes; the things that catch my eye.

/ I’ve been growing flat-leaf parsley in pots for years but a few months ago I transferred the struggling plant to the vegie box and within a few weeks it was abundant. I add it to most salads, pasta dishes, broth and steamed vegies. It’s great teamed with fetta and perfect for garlic bread. It’s also a fabulous source of Vit C and iron.

/ always reading. Always. So much so that sometimes we have to ask him to put the book down.

/ vivid moss green on the sea shore.

/ the iridescent light just before dusk.

/ always in someone’s arms. The life of the third.

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  • Jacinta

    OMGosh the reading YES!
    and the third in someones arms always YES!

  • Kaffiknopf

    oh the same here with our thrird. so true, so beautiful 🙂

  • Kari

    All that reading will stand him in very good stead as he travels through life. Being a reader is such a wonderful thing.

  • Lily Boot

    Love the idea of scenes – the light and beauty you capture always inspires me.

  • tRiSh

    A beautiful series indeed.

    I love that Che is always reading, I was the same at his age and it took me places I still hold dear in my heart.
    Percy is absolutely cute! He's just soooo cute! (cry from the heart)
    I wish I loved parsley… Maybe I should give it another try. Or cook/use it differently.

  • Lissa Snapp

    Yes I love this idea of capturing these simple everyday moments. I actually just wrote about that same subject on my blog and how I want to get back into that as well! There is something really special about capturing and appreciating the simple moments. Looking forward to seeing this series continue!

    Take Care, Lissa

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