scenes : in blue
/ watching the water journey from the mountain to the sea. I’m etching a new relationship with him, standing my ground while we hear about what so-and-so is allowed to do/watch/play/eat. It’s so easy to give in but with persistence and gentle explanation he understands. I think it will always be challenging to have him question family rhythms and values but I recognise that it’s an integral and healthy part of development. Ebb and flow.
/ new pixie boots c/o the horse and a billowy dress c/o Lilya (worn here, too).
/ late afternoon light on the Hawkesbury River Bridge (overlooking beautiful Brooklyn).
/ early morning view over Manly Beach. Daniel and I stayed at The Sebel where I marvelled at the pure white (no grubby fingerprints!) towels, big bath and plush pillows. Staying at a hotel is such a rare treat.
/ there she is, on the edge of light and shadow, sand and water. I can see the spark of the two-year-old; she’s rough and tumble with affection, defiant and gorgeous.
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What a beautiful story you tell Jodi – this is just what I needed in the middle of a hectic week. Bliss. xx
My kids do that too. I think it's normal, and you will probably find that there are other little ones saying the same things about Che :).
so normal, but it's new for us and it's taking time to get used to it (and come up with the right explanations!) x
Ah yes, we have those conversations too. A little while ago I sat down with them (8, 6 and 4) after a day with loads of questions and a lot of muttering. I then told them how much I love them, just like their dad, and that we are trying to do what we think is best for them. And yes, that differs from what other parents think sometimes and that's ok. Maybe we make mistakes, that could be possible, and we can talk about that when they really don't agree. But still. We are a family with the five of us and we have to do what we think best. The rest of the world is not really a factor in that.
I think they got it. They seemed to complain a little less the next couple of days. And they probably will forget it again. LOL. Oh well. That's children. That's parenting 🙂
Love your photographs. Your blog is really one of my favourites.
She looks like Milly Molly Mandy without the pink stripes!
Loving the beautiful blues Jodi
The serenity of blue. And yes those conversations are trying yet encouraging. When our babies explore their world and challenge it (within reason) and then return to our rhythms we know we must be getting something right. Have a beautiful tomorrow lovely soul 🙂 xx
Such beautiful words. That last pic is just perfect – light and shadows, calm and curiousity x
Beautiful images. I love Brooklyn, too. As a child we used to stop there for a while en route to my Nan & Pop's home in Saratoga..I have fond memories of fish & chips and then fishing on the jetties around Saratoga 🙂 Brooklyn in the 80's was very quiet, like a tucked away undiscovered haven, I hope it is still like that today. Anyway thanks for the trip down memory lane, you have inspired me to walk the coastline here tomorrow, fortunately just down the road from us! Alison x
You do lead a charmed life. What a treat to be out in the fresh air!
beautiful location and gorgeous shots!
kw ladies in navy
Beautiful thoughts…you write in such a gentle way. It all is ebb and flow, even up to the day they move on.
These photos are so lovely…you always capture your thoughts and words with your photos.
xo Sarah
I love these pictures, Jodi, and the stories that go along with them. I worry so much about when we have to start explaining why we do or don't do certain things. Religion and food are my biggest concerns. I don't want to cast choices that differ from our own in a negative light and it's (I think) quite hard to get the point across to a small child that what is 'right' differs from family to family. These babies really stretch us and make us grow. Hope you enjoyed your hotel stay- sounds wonderful!
Beautiful blues, and beautiful words. Love that last shot, it's magical.
these simple, spontaneous posts are always my favourite, Jodi x
(and so not looking forward to those conversations).
Jodi, I would love to hear more about those conversations, and what they look like! It's something I am not yet ready for (my buggy is only 2).
lovely blue scenes, such deep sky over the tasman sea..!
Your photos are always magical!
Hello! What a nice blog you have! 🙂
Have a nice weekend! XoXo from Sweden!
just so wonderful, jodi i love your blog xxx
Beautiful photos! We are always hearing about what so-and-so gets to do (usually play "mature" video games). It's an ongoing struggle. 🙂
I love that first photo–the lighting and how it is so slightly out of focus. Gorgeous.
Jo Farmer
Love these photos! Beautiful shoes. 🙂