scenes : from packing

Moving house whilst pregnant with third child; it’s interesting, to say the least. Regardless of the weight in my belly and the persistent need to sit down and take a breather, it feels good to clear seven years of clutter. Deep in the darkest corners of the highest cupboards were things I had forgotten about; notebooks, spacebags full of dated clothes, the oddest of miscellany. I’m (finally) starting to see the light (and the carpet). Now it’s time to organise painters (for the new house!), removalists, change of addresses….no wonder this post is photo heavy, there isn’t enough time for lots of words.

/ I smiled when I uncovered this book, Nest for Two…better change that to Five

/ this little old op-shop discovered book had me sitting on the garage floor. I read it from front to back.

/ my indoor plants have been loving the drizzle of rain these past few days. Although I must admit, grey skies do not inspire energetic cleaning.

/ these daisies, they just keep on flowering. Thank goodness for daisies.

/ for some reason, Poet can never find her shoes. Perplexing.

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  • Carie

    I'm trying to spend my maternity leave doing some very gentle deep sorting out of everything that we've accumulated in the last 9 years in this house and it's amazing the things that I'm finding at the back of the cupboard, including heaps of things I've no idea why I kept – I know what you mean about it being very therapeutic to see the carpet again!

  • Victoria

    We are moving here too, with this massive 36wk bump I don't know how much more packing I will be able to do.

  • casso

    Both of my children sobbed so deeply when I read them The Little House that we never finished it and they refuse to even open it. At the time they were 2.5 and 6yrs and their minds have remained resolute at 5 and 9yrs. I can completely understand their point of view.

  • Mother Down Under

    I love The Little House…it was one of my favourites growing up, it still sits on my childhood bookcase, and I always read it to my boy when we visit my parent's house.

  • K (tangents by k)

    I love how you have captured the little things that you discover while your moving. I'm often found sitting on the floor taken away by the memories brought on by something small!

  • Amy Waterbury

    I'm purging as well, getting ready to welcome the New Year. And yes, The Little House is such a sweet little read.

  • liz @ Strayed Table

    I don't think I could handle the stress of moving while pregnant. Finding old boxes of bits and pieces would end up in tears and procrastination. I was very emotional when pregnant. Good luck with the move

  • Emilie

    The Little House was my absolute favourite book as a child. I still have a beat-up old copy somewhere in storage.

  • Lauren Gillies

    Good luck with the move I hope it goes smoothly. Stumbled across your blog a few weeks ago, love it x

  • Reply

    I can only imagine how tiring packing is while pregnant! We move into our new home in two weeks, and while majority of our things have been in storage since Feb, what we do have is being packed up these weeks, and I still feel we have too much stuff! I've already taken 6 large garbage bags to the op shop!

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