
I’ve been away. Not from home, but from this blog. A little break, a little breather. It was time to find some rhythm and now we’re sailing rather smoothly.

I actually started by changing a few things about my evening. Before Che goes to bed we clean up his toys together. And before I go to bed I make sure the kitchen is spotless. As far as I’m concerned there’s nothing worse than waking up to dirty dishes – a clean kitchen is a fresh start. Perhaps I really am heading towards domestic bliss?

On the food front there was one habit I had to kill. I’ll admit that I’m slightly addicted to chocolate and if there’s a block sitting next to my cup of tea, I’ll get through it pretty easily. Although the taste was enjoyable (the guilt not so nice) I was waking up with a sugar hangover. True. Sleepy, lethargic, cranky – not the kind of Muma that I need to be. And so I’ve taken on the French approach – one square of quality chocolate a day (sometimes two) with my tea and I’m waking up much happier. Good start to the day.

And Che and I? We pitter and we patter and I’m pretty happy with how our week has been. We visited the Steiner playgroup down the road and me oh my it is a delight. Unfortunately we can’t go till Che is two. I was slightly disappointed but I see it as a opportunity to find our own way together – and without wishing the days away we have something very special to look forward to next Spring.

We’ve been row-row-row your boating, sandcastle making, reading and gardening.

Not long ago it became pretty evident that Che has rhythm – he shakes his bum in time to the music, he beats his body to song. He’s fascinated by sounds – give him some windchimes and he’s happy for hours. And so everyday we make music with his mellow sounding drum, our Tibetan singing bowl, a tambourine, maracas and our voices. I have no music talent whatsoever but I do enjoy watching him have fun. Sometimes we do a little Kirtan (devotional chanting to music), sometimes we just make a whole lot of noise. I just have to convince him that high-pitched squeals are not music to anyone’s ears. Oh my goodness, how my child can squeal!

…and the winner is…Christie from Pigeon Pair. A gorgeous 70s clothkit is coming your way!

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  • becka

    I need to adopt your French chocolate approach, I too am rather addicted! Lovely post by the way, the two wee girls I look after love music making also. Singing, dancing and drumming around the living room is one of my favourite activities to do with them.

  • Christie


    I think I should follow your laed with the chocolate…

  • Leni and Rose

    I’m going to adopt a leaf from your book – spotless kitchen Pre bed and toy clean up with Maddie. Much better than what currently happens over here!

    And chocolate? Well…wish I could say I’ll follow you on that one as well, but I’m afraid it’s impossible!

  • Little Min

    It seems you’re not alone with the chockie addiction. I’m trying not to eat it too late at night, which then keeps me awake and therefore even more tired when the littlies wake at batsqueak!

  • earthmama


    Sometimes a little break is needed. I’m glad you found a good rhythm. I’m also glad you’re back. I so enjoy sharing in your life. So magical:)

  • Anna

    I happy to hear youu are finding yoir rhythm. And I agree with you, it is wonderful to wake up to a clean kitchen!

  • Earth Mama

    Oh no about the Steiner! Yes lots of activities seem to start at two I find. Nothing wrong with enjoying a clean home.. I love my space and care for it daily.

  • Jules

    Thanks for your luck wish 🙂
    And congratulations on finding your rhythm.
    Ours continues to evolve & beat it's own tune often. We roll with it & sometimes away from it. It's wonderful when we're reminded to seek it's happy groove out. So thanks to you. x

  • Bird Bath

    oh a change is as good as a holiday right? sounds like the new rhythm is working out well for you.
    I don't like to go out with too much mess around – I feel too dejected when I come home, so I do a quick tidy before I leave.
    Music & songs are such a great way to communicate with toddlers.

  • The Little Mama

    What a lovely post! Thank you dearly for the inspiration. We too have trouble cleaning the kitchen at night, among other things, and truly, waking up to a mess is not a pleasant way to start the day.

  • mardi

    And the rhythm of life is a powerful thing,
    it puts a tingle in your fingers…
    a tingle in your feet…
    rhythm in your bedroom..
    rhythm in the street,
    yes the rhythm of life has a powerful beat,
    mumma flow…bubba flows.

    Our body is the temple for our soul.
    Our homes the temple for our body.
    Deserved of our time, energy and devotion.
    from the heart of ommi.

  • Leanne

    Sounds like you went in search of rhythm and found two different kinds…how lovely. It’s great discovering those little things that make up “who” our children are and that differs from who we are. Enjoy your music.
    I chant to my children and it has a fascinating calming effect on all of us.

  • ella

    sometimes even an unintentional breather is necessary. i’ll be due for one soon. sounds like you’re finding a good rhythm. i feel the same about a clean kitchen though i can’t say mine is clean each evening. Recently i’ve gotten into the hot chocolate. i’ve been getting a “cleaner” buzz from it than coffee but you are so right! it does give me a sugar hangover. sugar so doesn’t work well with me.
    lovely days of pitter pattering…moving right along into Summer. enjoy.

  • Michelle

    Such a lovely post. It's amazing how much better we feel when we have a good rhythm.

    I'm with you on the chocolate – I'm loving Green & Blacks Milk Chocolate, just one or two squares is just right (their White chocolate is sublime but not a one piece kinda flavour!)

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