
Saturday night. Cooking dinner for friends. Wearing my Nana’s apron for the first time. I found it in my Mum’s wardrobe and brought it home with me. She was the best cook, my Nana. Perhaps that is why I always think of baking when I think of New Zealand. Shortbread, pikelets and ginger gems. Tins and tins full of buttery, sugary treats. I’m hoping her secrets are stitched into the apron. A nice thought.

I’ve been wanting to bake lately, so desperately feeling the urge to knead some dough and bake some sweet treats. But an inquisitive, curious 13-month-old and baking don’t mix well. He’s at one of those in-between stages and I am really aware of staying present with him and not wishing for him to reach that next phase. But in doing so I’m finding it a little difficult to create a rhythm in our days. Or to even notice a rhythm. And because I’m one of those ether types I tend to float along all day until I realise that it’s almost dinnertime. I work better with routine, with rhythm.

So I’m going to spend the next few days creating some routine. Writing it down. Being a bit more aware, more grounded.

And just as I have been pondering all these thoughts I find out that my street is in fact blessed. There are four churches so you could call it holy land. But apart from that it seems to continually offer me things I ask for. Cherry blossoms – tick. Roadside blooms – tick. A footpath – tick. Village markets – tick.

A Steiner playgroup – tick. Today I discover that the house at the end of the street does in fact hold a Steiner playgroup every Friday morning. With bread baking, story time and lots of like-minded mumas and their little ones. Oh my goodness gracious me I am a lucky girl.

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  • Amanda

    mmmm ginger gems and picklets, they remind me so much of my nana too!

  • Little Min

    You are lucky!(And your home looks lovely).

    Steiner playgroup is one of the most special parts of our week. It helps us set the tone and rhythm for the rest of our week too.

  • Amber

    Sassy photo…sassy mummy…
    I cannot wait to hear more about the stiener.
    I completely understand you and your need for rhythm..as i was saying to you the other day…xxx
    cant wait to hear from you lovely..

  • Michelle

    Lucky you having a Steiner playgroup! You are indeed blessed to be living where you are.

    When I left work in June, I found I needed a rhythm, if only for maintaining my mental health. I bought a weekly schedule pad from Kikki K, and filled it up with social engagements, when I should be sewing, when I went to the post office, when I should be having lunch. It really helped. Hope it helps you too.

  • Ariad

    There’s no one bakes like a nanna! mmmmm…

  • ella

    so much goodness all on one street? so great. love the apron. super cute photo. i can certainly relate to the ether type. it doesn’t work so well with toddlers who thrive with routine. The days that are well planned are always our smoothest.

  • Anna

    You look so great in that apron!

    I still struggle with routine. We have a very loose rhythm here and hope to be more organized as the wee one gets older.
    That’s great that you found a Waldorf playgroup in your neighborhood, I can’t wait to here more about it.

  • The Little Mama

    Oh, lucky indeed! What a perfectly lovely post. I am constantly searching for that rhythm. And then finding it… and then losing it again. Thank you so, for the inspiration.

  • Earth Mama

    Who would have thought a nana apron could look so good 😉 I’ve just started at my Steiner playgroup this week, M loved it! Takes me an hour to get there… I’ve been putting it off as I haven’t been since the day she turned 1. Im determined to make the effort now, it’s so worth it.

  • Julie

    Gorgeous pinny and gorgeous pic. As I get older I realise just how important good rhythm is. My little one goes to steiner kinder and my older girl to steiner school – very special 🙂

  • Bird Bath

    love the apron…it suits you! how fortunate your street is full of what you need. Good luck with the routine and playgroup. I look forward to hearing all about it.

  • emma

    cute apron! That playgroup sounds great, hope you guys have fun there. Funny you should mention the baking, I’ve just in the last couple of weeks started making bread, must be something in the air!

  • mellimoomoo

    What a great street you live on!
    I’m with you on the needing rythm…that’s exactly what I’ve been working on establishing the past couple of weeks and it feels good. And, the babes’ rythms are always a-changing, we just need to learn the new steps!
    Oh, that apron suits you 🙂

  • Lori

    love that portrait :^)

  • potty mouth mama

    I love rhythm too.. Ahh sweet rhythm. When you get the blues, get rhythm.. Ah yes. The kidlets love it too!

    Cute shot. So cute.

    Such a great street. When can we move in?

  • Hila

    what a cute photo of you!

  • sarah p

    Ginger gems, pikelets, shortbread … my own gran taught me to bake these things too. I have had a wonderful few years making them for my child, teaching her to make them. Infact we’ve just had pikelets for pudding! I can’t get perfect pikelets like gran though.

    How lucky you are to have found a Steiner playground so near!

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