
In unsettled times when the air is seemingly thick with anxiety, I come back to the simple things.

Perhaps some would call it hiding but I prefer to call it nurturing. Closing the doors, creating a safe space, planting my feet on the ground.

I’ve unpacked from our holiday and I admit, there was a tinge of sadness as the scent of Bali – offerings and incense and frangipanis – dissipated. We’re slowly catching up around here and getting back into the end-of-year swing of things.

And then, of course, this week’s shocking news reverberated so strongly here; it’s impossible not to feel anxious and fearful at the outcome. I was moved by this essay and inspired by this simple yet powerful action. Meagan shares the importance of creating “peace in the home” and perhaps that is something we can all work on right now. A small step, but a significant one.

My truth? Peace begins with me. And sometimes that peace, that sense of calm, is beyond my capabilities. Sometimes it feels like too hard a task. But I know in my heart that when I can be mindful of my breath and aware of my words, it’s a good way to start the day. And if by school drop-off there has been nothing but shouting and racing and hunting for lost things, there is the mid-morning coffee to recalibrate.

Home is where I resettle myself. It’s here that I find comfort in the little things: a lawn covered in Jacaranda flowers, a beeswax candle burning in the evening, tea from my favourite cup, tree-climbing children, my own pillow.

Today I’m boiling eggs for lunch, preparing a curry for dinner and curling Poet’s hair for a dance concert. There’s so much more than needs my attention but for now it can wait. Today I have things to do but I’m choosing a slower pace and hushed tones.

The weekend will be much the same.


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  • Niken

    Bali is my hometown, and I miss it so much. It has that kind of vibes – the kind of vibes that make you relax and make you believe that everything will be okay, but I might be biased here 🙂
    Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about happiness and peace. I think this week is an emotional week for the whole world, but thank you so much for reminding me to resettle.

  • kris keena

    Oh Jodi,

    Just reading this brings tears to my eyes again. Half plus of my country is heartbroken and terrified, >half hopeful. We won the popular vote. We stand in resistance. Home is where we feel a small measure of control, as we warily watch what comes next. Those of us who opposed him pray we are wrong about our fears. We recognize each other in the public places by the look in our eyes. We grab each other’s hands and look deeply at each other. Perfect strangers.

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