really truly inspired

I’m one of those people who becomes idle when my schedule isn’t full. I say this because right now I am the busiest I’ve been in years. And yet I’m doing things that most definitely aren’t essential but are acting as a creative outlet. I think the latest issue of Real Living magazine had a lot to do with it. I love that magazine. It’s full of gorgeous, quirky, affordable ideas and I am particularly partial to the fact that they always feature renters. Yes, I’m one of them (a renter, not featured).

We have lived in this house for over three years and to tell you the truth I’m getting a little over it. However, we’ll be here till April and I wanted to make a few changes that would make me smile when I walked into the room. One of them being the fireplace. It used to be filled with pebbles and sure that was ok but it was nowhere near as fun as a stack of books, some cute toys and a heart garland (from little jane st). I also re-did the kitchen mood board and created a little vignette on the mantle. Phew!
We’re heading to the mountains this weekend, to stay in a cosy cottage and attend a winter yoga retreat (me, anyway). We’ll also be perusing bookshops, sipping coffee and sleeping in (the latter is what I’m most excited about). Apparently snow is forecast. If white flakes fall it will make for a memorable time. Fingers crossed.
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Showing 12 comments
  • Brigitta Ryan {duo}

    Oh my gosh, I've lived in my house for 4 years and it is driving me nuts! But for no real reason!

    I understand 🙂

  • rabbit and the duck

    I love your collection, simple but beautiful : )

  • Sam

    Your weekend sounds devine.



  • Elflyn

    Your fireplace looks divine!
    Enjoy your retreat it sounds wonderful!
    xo Jen

  • ali

    it looks so quaint, so cosy.

  • Aura

    Have a wonderful weekend! I wish I was going, too 🙂

  • katiecrackernuts

    Sounds like a top way to spend your weekend and joy to creating nice spaces in your rented space.

  • Damaris

    love simple collections. have a fun weekend. If you're ever in the need for more sun you're welcome to visit us in california.

  • 鄭美玉


  • mama bear

    I love your new fireplace Jodi. Have a lovely weekend in the mountains. Rug up warm. xx

  • bel

    Your weekend sounds like its going to be lovely! I dream of such things lately…. x

  • Frankie Small

    Ah a weekend yoga retreat, bliss….enjoy the peace and serenity

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